That's the approach Antoine Fuqua takes in The Guilty, a remake of the Danish film of the same name; the narrative unfolds over the course of one day, in one location, with the majority of the action taking place offscreen. SEE ALSO: Jake Gyllenhaal was directed from a van for his...
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Romy loves her husband and kids has never done anything like this before. Even though he takes the dominant role, in real life she holds all the cards: she’s older, richer and his boss. She has more to lose, though, and it’s that threat that excites her. And she can’t got ...
From Transformers and GI Joe to The Lego Movie, Hollywood has been taking inspiration from kids’ toyboxes for years. Never, however, have we seen anything quite like Barbie, a movie that’s simultaneously a multi-million-dollar commercial for a doll, and a witty, sophisticated examination of...
Most agree that the final two movies, each covering half of the last book in the series, are the most enthralling in the group — but you'll have to watch them all to get what’s going on. So, you might as well start with number one, The Sorcerer's Stone, and go from there. ...
For Kids This post is updated regularly as movies leave and enter Netflix. *New additions are indicated with an asterisk. With hundreds of films from around the world on the streaming giant that changed the game, how does one even know what to watch when they fire up their Netflix? Star...
believing that moving her kids into a new home will help them all get a fresh start. But when strange occurrences in the house draw the attention of Child Protective Services, Ebony finds herself in a battle between the state and the evil within her home, vying for her children’s souls....
Max is a must-have service for movie lovers. The best movies to watch on Max right now include the fascinating legal dramaJuror #2;Joker: Folie á Deux, a superhero flop that's fascinating in a different way; andBeetlejuice Beetlejuice, Tim Burton's blockbuster sequel to his beloved superna...
Driven by her desire to provide him with the opportunities she never had, Lola's focuses on securing a better future for her brother. But when a tragic event shatters Lola's world, her world is upended forever. As Lola navigates the aftermath, she reflects on the impact that the people ...
All great camp movies are about found family, and there are few subcultures that theme fits better than theater kids. Theater Camp, from Molly Gordon and Nick Lieberman, is well aware of this and plays its excellent (and specific) jokes to the cheap seats for an audience it knows has felt...