Under the Christmas Sky Cast: Jessica Parker Kennedy, Ryan Paevey Plot: Kat (Kennedy) is an esteemed astrophysicist scheduled for her first trip into space until an accident grounds her. While on leave, coming to terms with the reality that her dream of being an astronaut is over, she vo...
But the way they collectively dominated the 2023 box office and the cultural discussion is a strong reminder that regardless of tone or topic, a great story, told passionately, stands out. Cinephiles can be drawn to just about any movie in any genre, if it’s well crafted and engaging, ...
Peter is a forever single guy coming home for Christmas. However, to avoid any name-calling and shame from the family, he convinces his friend Nick to come along. He then tells his family that they are in a relationship. But his mother sets him up with her handsome trainer, James, and...
"No One Will Save You" is a horror/sci-fi movie released on Hulu in 2023, starring Kaitlyn Dever. The plot centers around a young woman named Brynn (Dever), who finds herself trapped in a mysterious and sinister situation when aliens invade her home. Not only that, but she’s alienated...
holiday season.Asteroid City‘s Tom Hanks lends his voice to several characters in the film, most notably the conductor of the Polar Express, a magical train heading directly for the North Pole that allows some lucky children to meet Santa Claus (Hanks) and have their Christmas wishes come ...
The kids set out to clear his name and determine the true culprit. While the plot may sound inherently dramatic on paper, in true Bob's Burgers fashion, there is much fun to be had along the way. The film retains the Emmy-winning series' wit and heart, with a musical whimsy that ...
From there, many classic Griswold hijinks ensue as Clark goes out of his way to plan the most over-the-top Christmas of all time. That includes decking out his roof in hundreds of string lights to the point of knocking out the entire city’s power grid, the unexpected arrival of his ...
It’s a movie about a self-proclaimed perfectionist who is constantly defying his own voiceover, a great film that’s alternately hysterical and thrilling. One of the best of 2023. Godzilla Minus One watch on netflix Photo: Tartan Films Oldboy Year: 2003Runtime: 2hDirector: Park ...
At the planning stage of this survey, not a single member of the Time Out Film team would’ve expected Danny Boyle’s eye-wateringly hip, epoch-defining second feature to make much of a dent, let alone break into the top ten. Yet here we are, and it seems that ‘Slumdog Millionaire’...
Premise: On Christmas Eve, a hardened detective and her DA boyfriend are both informed that each other has been kidnapped. As the world closes for the holiday, they are locked out of their computers and phones and must follow the demands of the menacing voice giving them orders. This leads...