Starring rappers Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa, this buddy comedy explores the unlikely friendship between a high-achieving student and a perennial senior with a penchant for marijuana. The film serves as a vehicle for the duo's comedic chemistry and boasts an original soundtrack featuring their mus...
Directed by Olaf de Fleur Johannesson, ‘Malevolent’ is a horror movie based on the novel Hush by Eva Konstantopoulos. Starring Florence Pugh, Ben Lloyd-Hughes, and Scott Chambers, the movie is set in 1980s Scotland and centers on siblings Jackson and Angela, who make a living as scam ar...
Starring:Kevin Hart,Tom Arnold,Method Man,Snoop Dogg Directed By:Jessy Terrero Dude, Where's My Car?(2000) 16% #24 Critics Consensus:The movie isn't funny, the plot is too thin, and the production values feel more like a TV sitcom than a movie. ...
Starring:Snoop Dogg, Tom Arnold, Kevin Hart, Method Man, Mo’Nique, Brian Hooks, Arielle Kebbel Stonedest Line:“Testicles, one-two. Testicles, one-two.” WhileSoul Plane, like several other entires on this list, was initially met with negative reviews upon its release way back in 2004, ...
Lady Gaga, Tom Cruise, Snoop Dogg and John Legend among those to watch star gymnastvia Bbc Movies Hamilton Producing F1 Film 🎞️ Movie starring Brad Pitt coming June 2025via Bleacher Report Shaq's Beverly Hills Cop Audition 🤣 Diesel doing his best Eddie Murphy impression Netflix @netfli...
You wouldn’t guess that a film starring Tom Arnold about a pimped-out purple airplane that encourages mid-flight partying would lack substance. But, alas, it does. Readers ofEmpiremagazine ranked Jesse Terrero’s raunchy take onAirplane!one of “the 50 worst movies ever.” Snoop Dogg (Capt...
Starring: Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke, Snoop Dogg, Scott Glenn Director: Antoine Fuqua Jake Hoyt (Ethan Hawke) is an LAPD police officer in line for promotion to become a detective when he gets assigned to Detective Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington) for a one-day evaluation. What was supp...
Earlier in the day, they had received free passes to a sneak preview of Accepted, a new comedy starring the kid from the Mac commercials and the actor who is stealing Ben’s career. Their pass also invited them to a kegger on the lawn in front of the Hilton. We thought that perhaps ...
Movie News 3 days ago By Aaron Couch All About Ethan Slater’s Ex-Wife, Lilly Jay & Her Response to His Relationship With Ariana Grande Pac-12’s Growth Ambitions Captured in New Trademark Applications Dr. Dre Was Against Snoop Dogg Buying Death Row Records: "He Didn't Like It" ...
24. White Chicks (2004) When black FBI agents have to become rich white women to protect a couple of heiresses, things are bound to get weird and funny. This is exactly what happens in Keenen Ivory Wayans’ comedy starring Marlon Wayans and Shawn Wayans. FBI agents Marcus Anthony II and ...