Maya Hawke and Camila Mendes star as two high school students determined to get revenge on those who wronged them in this movie. "Do Revenge" also incorporates references to famous teen movies like "Heathers" and "Mean Girls," making it an extra fun watch for those who love some high scho...
Heathers: The Musical (2022) 7.6 1K Trailer Watchlist Genre: Comedy, Musical Country: USA Duration: 135 min. Story: A teenage girl who halfheartedly tries to be part of the "in crowd" meets a dashing rebel who teaches her a more sinister way to play social politics. Style: feel...
Heathers Winona Ryder, Christian Slater, Shannen Doherty 151 votes Veronica (Winona Ryder) is part of the most popular clique at her high school, but she disapproves of the other girls' cruel behavior. When Veronica and her new boyfriend, J.D. (Christian Slater), confront clique leader Heath...
With lots of options, includingTell Me Your Secrets, a show with a protagonist who has assumed a new identity, and even movies likeHeathers, a film that finds a popular clique dismantled by deception and death, decidingwhat to watch afterCruel Summerwill really just depend on your mood. ...
Determined to establish herself successfully after a rocky start, Iona drifts away from her bestie/mum and becomes BFFs with the school’s equivalent of the “Heathers.” Forlorn, Lyn attempts to make friends of her own, but after a lifetime of being othered, she still struggles with the ...
Go back to school with our list of the greatest teenage films of all time. Our list of the best high school movies includes Clueless, Ferris Bueller and more.
9.Like a lot of moviegoers, I did see both halves of the “Barbenheimer” event that gripped cinemas last summer, although I didn’t see them on the same day.Barbie(dir. Greta Gerwig) is superficially similar toThe Lego Movie: it establishes the world of a beloved toy brand on its...
Heathers was pretty controversial when it was first released. This dark comedy with themes of becoming popular at school, no matter what the cost, still resonates today. Some scenes, in light of more recent violent events at schools in the US, could be disturbing to some viewers. ...
Winona Ryder has an almost peerless knack for playing sarcastic, brooding outsiders, and nowhere can you see that better than in the 1989 classic "Heathers." Similar to how "Mean Girls" may be the most quotable movie of the 2000s, "Heathers" is without a doubt the most quotable movie of...
teens to solve the mystery behind the murders. The film alternates between comedy and horror, and it’s hilarious seeing Pitt play an arrogant high school jock before he went on to become a famous A-lister. The film itself is actually pretty enjoyable, with a similar vibe to Heathers. ...