The stage is set in one of the most iconic “end of the world” movie scenes: Citizens of New York City are scrambling on top of taxis, quickly attempting to escape the slow-moving giant tsunami heading their way. In the rear-view mirror of a bus, a giant wave can be seen rushing ...
Set amidst the sweltering heat of Florida, the film revolves around a down-on-his-luck lawyer, portrayed by William Hurt, who becomes entangled in a torrid affair with the seductive wife of a wealthy businessman, played by Kathleen Turner. The duo plots to murder her husband for his fortune...
An adaptation of Thomas Savage's novel of the same name, The Power of The Dog is another film that Netflix can use to say "we're not all Adam Sandler comedies and big action movies." An intense western set in 1925 Montana, the film is focused on two ranch-owning brothers: Phil (Be...
If you can get past the fact that Eva Green and Louis Garrel’s characters are twins, then you’re ready for the ménage a trois romp that is Bernardo Bertolucci’s NC-17 film set during 1968 May revolution in Paris. Michael Pitt is the third member of this triangle, and trust us whe...
West Side Story's Rachel Zegler is set to star as Snow White in this live-action remake, while Gal Gadot is the Evil Queen. Andrew Burnap has been cast as the male lead – and that's not the prince or huntsman, either, but a new original character. Marc Webb directs – he previ...
Julie Delpy to Receive Lifetime Honor at Sweden’s Gotenborg Film Festival 1/2/2025 by Scott Roxborough The Hollywood Reporter - Movie News The 50 Best Movies of 2024, According to IndieWire’s Critics Poll 12/18/2024 by Christian Zilko and Harrison Richlin ...
3, 2024 (Max) Lewis Pullman stars in this adaptation of Stephen King's classic vampire novel that was originally slated to come out in 2022. House of Spoils Release Date: Oct. 3, 2024 (Amazon Prime) Ariana DeBose plays an ambitious chef who opens her first restaurant, where she ...
You can now watch the entire Dune saga to date on Netflix for the first time (for a month at least since the first half is leaving on the 31st — Netflix, never stop being weird). The second half of Villeneuve’s saga fulfills the promise of the first, turning the set-up of the...
s using a built in application installer known asAPKinstaller. It allows you to easily set up and run thisapplicationon your mobile cellphone. It comes with its own upgrades database so that the certificate can operate efficiently. It does not have any limitations when it comes to using the...
After hearing good things about the black comedyWicked Little Letters,I decided to fish it out of my Netflix library and it's safe to say I wasn't disappointed. Set in 1920s England,Wicked Little Lettersis based on the true story of the Littlehampton libels. When conservative local Edith...