The Last Dragon, set in the heart of New York City, introduces audiences to Leroy Green, portrayed by Taimak, who seeks to become the ultimate martial artist in this fantastical action spectacle. With its enticing blend of disco culture, kung fu action, and a motley mix of colorful character...
Set in an alternative future where a totalitarian government has seized control of the United Kingdom, V ignites a revolution when he detonates two London landmarks and takes over the state-run television network, urging his fellow citizens to rise up against oppression and tyranny. As Eve...
Movies key in SpainReports on the popularity of movies on television in Spain. CanalSatelite Digital's deals with American distributors; Antena 3 TV's acquisition policy; Primetime fiction sought by Via Digital.Morris, KathyVariety
Old Hollywood icons Marlene Dietrich and Gary Cooper lock lips for the better part of this 1936 Frank Borzage rom-com set in Spain. It follows a French jewel thief and the American holding onto her pearls, and, we have to say, it doesn't get much more romantic than those long, golden...
All The Archers’ best work resisted categorisation, and this might be the pinnacle of their tendency for audience-baiting idiosyncracy: set in Darjeeling but shot in West Sussex, the film seems as far out of time as it does out of place, eschewing genre (is it romance? Period drama?
Synopsis: Set in a richly exaggerated 17th-century England, Peter Greenaway's witty, stylized, erotic country house murder mystery catapulted him to the... [More] Starring: Anthony Higgins, Janet Suzman, Anne Louise Lambert, Neil Cunningham Directed By: Peter Greenaway The Handmaiden (2016)...
This wasn’t Almodóvar’s first film to foreground sexuality. It was, however, his first that feels set in the real world, a linchpin between the stylized madness ofMatadorand his more polished later work. It may still be his freshest effort. ...
Film, TV & Theatre Pamela Anderson On Being Her Own Stylist How Margaret Qualley Chose Her Golden Globes Look The Cast of “Emilia Pérez” Honors Trans Community Demi Moore Gives a Moving Golden Globes Speech Zoe Saldaña Wins Her First Ever Golden Globe ...
Charles Lane’s 1989 movie isn’t set in the past, but it’s styled to evoke it, taking the format of a 1920s silent with no diegetic sound at all until the very end. More specifically, it follows the format of Charlie Chaplin’sThe Kid,with which it’s in constant conversation. Li...
Most recently, Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey has squeezed in, the first movie to appear since 2020’s The Last Days of American Crime. Then we added the Alison Brie/John Cena joint Freelance.Now that we set the mood for truly bad movies, start the most painful watchlist you’ll ...