The first film written and directed by Farhan Akhtar, it is set in modern-day urban Mumbai and Sydney, and focuses on a major period of transition in the lives of three young friends. In 2001, the film won National Film Award for Best Feature Film in Hindi. It performed bette...
The film is a transposition, set in Milan and Turin, of the novel Bubu de Montparnasse by Charles-Louis Philippe. Released: 1971 Directed by: Mauro Bolognini Buck and the Preacher Sidney Poitier, Harry Belafonte, Ruby Dee Following the end of the Civil War, soldier-turned-trail-guide Buck...
The Maestro is happy to have Spencer Scott on the iconic PervCity set for her first professional anal scene. Before sending in Milan Ponjevic, he wants to see the blonde babe's stunning... Busty Blonde Veronica Cruz's All Holes Get Drilled By A BBC ...
Set in Milan, the Italian drama charts the disillusion of a family in the wake of its patriach’s death. Five brothers and their mother adjust to city life outside of their rural home in a tragic melodrama that soon involves a deadly love triangle. Photo : Paramount/Kobal/Shutterstock ...
Let these beautiful film interiors, which range from lavish and decadent to brazenly modern, inspire your next movie night—and your next design project.
Set It Up View full post on Youtube STREAM NOW Netflix’s original romances have become favorites amongst viewers, and this comedy about two assistants who try to set up their demanding bosses is now a classic. Jennifer Aldrich Editorial Assistant ...
After not seeing her for a long time, the Maestro cannot help but be pleased by Audrey Hollander's presence in the iconic set. The redhead hottie is more than ready to prove that she... Hardcore MILF Alice Maze Airtight DP, DVP, DAP And Fisting Alice Maze, Donny Sins, Milan Ponjevic...
But the daughter refuses to pose. The finished portrait will be sent to a potential husband in Milan who wants a good look at this convent-raised girl, and Heloise doesn't want to be auctioned off. Heloise also seethes because her elder sister fell or jumped from a seaside cliff, under...
Following a dramatic misunderstanding, the two friends set apart as Daeng is wrongly accused of courting Som's girl friend and being responsible of her pregnancy. Disappointed by Daeng's behavior, Som marries Daeng's girlfriend, who is also pregnant. Twenty years later, their children meet in ...
The film was made by Wien-Film, a Vienna-based company set up after Austria had been incorporated into Greater Germany following the 1938 Anschluss. It was the third film in Forst's "Viennese Trilogy" which also included Operetta and Vienna Blood. The film was finished in 1945, during the...