The film is based on the story of Peter and the Wolf and is set to the music Sergei Prokofiev wrote for the story in 1936. In common with other animated shorts such as The Snowman the film has no vocals but relies on music and action to tell the story. A new recording of Prokofiev...
which recounts the intriguing life of the Wild West historical figure in the Dakota territory and her rumored romance with fellow folk hero Wild Bill Hickock. Day knocks it out of the park as the tough-as-nails sharpshooter Jane, serving up plenty of laughs...
Set in a seedy, strip-lit London populated almost exclusively by predators and prey, this is the one film in which Leigh drops the idea that life is sweet: his characters are mostly either cruel or pathetic, and drifting above them all – or crawling beneath – is David Thewlis’s Johnny...
It’s the 1980s in Stoke-on-Trent, England. Robbie Williams (Jonno Davies) is a boy who lives with his dad, mum and grandmother (Steve Pemberton, Kate Mulvany, and Alison Steadman). He goes to Catholic school where he’s the class clown. He loves singing, acting and telling jokes. H...
Set in the throes of the Great Depression, To Kill a Mockingbird unfolds in a sleepy Southern town where racial tension simmers beneath the surface. Scout Finch (Mary Badham) and her older brother Jem (Phillip Alford) navigate their childhood under the watchful eyes of their father,...
Plot: fall in love, victorian england, governess, couples, love affair, hopes, estate, nanny, love and romance, parents and children, british, happy ending ... Time: 19th century, victorian era, year 1997, 1840s, 1830s ... Place: england, britain, europe, london Movie ⇓ simila...
Time:1940s, year 2016, 1900s, future, 2010s ... Place:london, france, england, south africa, north africa ... Is relevant ? All the Old Knives (2022) 6.1 30K Genre:Mystery, Thriller Country:USA Duration:101 min. Story:When the CIA discovers one of its agents leaked information that...
Set in the American Southwest during the Civil War, the film details a bounty hunting scheme that forces Mexican outlaw Tuco (Eli Wallach) and an American stranger (Clint Eastwood) into an uneasy alliance. The men race against a third man (Lee Van Cleef) to find buried gold treasure. 58 ...
Directed by Gurinder Chadha (whose earlier “Bhaji on the Beach” is also worth seeking out and who just scored a huge Sundance hit with “Blinded by the Light”), it goes beyond the pitch as it delves into the plight of Punjabi Sikhs in England and other issues of the day — all ...
After he made the Oscar-winning romance “Call Me by Your Name,” filmmaker Luca Guadagnino took on a horror classic with 2018’s “Suspiria.” Set in 1988 Berlin, the film stars Dakota Johnson as a young woman leaving her Mennonite family in Ohio to audition for and train as a dancer ...