Set in Antarctica, The Thing's claustrophobic atmosphere amplifies the tension as its ensemble cast, led by Kurt Russell, attempts to survive an alien creature capable of assuming the appearance of its victims. With its masterful blend of psychological terror and gruesome special effects, this fil...
Set within the icy confines of Antarctica, Frigid Hare introduces audiences to an endearing friendship between our favorite rabbit hero Bugs Bunny and a timid penguin named Playboy. Packed with amusing gags that showcase both protagonist's unique strengths amidst treacherous landscapes, this heartening...
Set in Antarctica, classic horror filmThe Thingtells the story of a research team forced to battle a shapeshifting alien capable of posing as anyone, leading the crew to become increasingly paranoid andturn on each other, unable to be sure if anyone was who they claimed to be.The Thingwas ...
Eight Below(2006), which stars the latePaul Walker, is a remake of a 1980s Japanese film,Antarctica.Set in Antarctica; the story follows three scientists on their expedition to the South Pole and their relationship with the trusted sled dogs they were forced to leave behind due to extreme ...
Set in Antarctica where there is virtually nothing but snow and icebergs, scientists have unearthed an unidentified organism trapped in a block of ice. Never did they know that this same organism, nothing that can be found on earth, would be taking lives, one after another, to sustain itself...
Between A Quiet Place, Jaws, The Fly, and King Kong, monster movies have been around in the past and present. Here are the 21 best.
“…I dunno what the hell’s in there, but it’s weird and pissed off, whatever it is.” The Thing is a science fiction horror film starring Kurt Russell as R.J. MacReady. Directed by John Carpenter, the movie is set in Antarctica in a U.S. Outpost. The basic premise of the fi...
Whether they're set in outer space, a post-apocalyptic wasteland, or the middle of the ocean, the best survival movies are sure to get your blood pumping.
Kurt Russell stars as a helicopter pilot battling a parasitic life-form in Antarctica that imitates other organisms. Photo : Criterion “Things to Come” (dir. William Cameron Menzies, 1936) Bong Joon Ho told Criterion that H.G. Welles’ science-fiction novels “thoroughly excited” him in ...
Kurt Russell stars as a helicopter pilot battling a parasitic life-form in Antarctica that imitates other organisms. Photo : Criterion “Things to Come” (dir. William Cameron Menzies, 1936) Bong Joon Ho told Criterion that H.G. Welles’ science-fiction novels “thoroughly excited” him in ...