Freeman went for laughs in the buddy comedyLast Vegas(2013), in which he starred oppositeRobert De Niro,Michael Douglas, andKevin Kline. He later voiced a wizard inThe LEGO Movie(2014), a computer-animated adventure featuring renderings ofLEGOtoys as the characters and settings. His other roles...
always entered from the same direction. The addition of a scenic facade, with three doors, more than doubled the number of entrances and gave the playwright more freedom to develop dramatic tension. About 425bcea firm stone basis was laid for anelaboratebuilding, called astoa, consisting of ...
Critics Consensus: A marriage of genuine characters, gross out gags, and pathos, Bridesmaids is a female-driven comedy that refuses to be boxed in as Kristen Wiig emerges as a real star. Synopsis: Annie (Kristen Wiig) is a single woman whose own life is a mess, but when she learns th...
Made in 1994 – the same year asClerks– Rose Troche's sweet, sexy, perceptive look at the love lives of Gen X lesbians in Chicago sees Guinevere Turner play Max, who begins dating Ely (V.S. Brodie), an older, more reserved vet's assistant. In many ways,Go Fish's importance lies ...
After one iteration of Mickey dies, a new body is regenerated with most of his memories intact – until, somehow, there are two Mickeys alive at the same time. The cast also includes Steven Yeun, Mark Ruffalo, Toni Collette, and Naomi Ackie, and Parasite helmer Bong Joon-ho is in the ...
What To Expect: Fair Play doesn’t really hold back when it comes to sexually explicit content, and its various sex scenes put it in the same category as other erotic thrillers like Basic Instinct, Indecent Proposal, and Disclosure, especially when the drama is ticked up as the story ...
Dead Boy Detectives is set in the same fantasy world of Neil Gaiman's Sandman as it follows teen sleuths Edwin (George Rexstrew) and Charles (Jayden Revri), who happen to be ghosts and have set up a detective agency for those in the spirit world in need of mysteries to be solved. ...
Not much is known of her life, except that she apparently started writing novels as a means to support herself as a young widow, and that other writers in the same genre held her in high regard, notably H.P. Lovecraft and A. Merritt. The story has echoes indeed of short stories ...
Along with Don’t Look Now the same year, Verhoeven’s film was one of the first to depict sex neither as a furtive act committed behind closed doors nor the pinnacle of human interaction, but as an everyday act between two carefree, consenting adults. It’s messy, joyous, honest and ...
The AP Top 25 Movies ranking is a distinctive honor roll of films released in 2022, as determined by a truly representative panel of 26 of the U.S.' smartest movie experts working for AP-affiliated news outlets. Here, we explain what it is and how it works: THE ...