Cameras capture the lives and relationships of a varied group of strangers living together for months on end in this television series. Philadelphia-based Becky, whose father is a psychiatrist, owns and operates an antique store. The year before moving into the Real World apartment, Andre relocate...
his mother drives him from Detroit to spend the summer in Philadelphia with his estranged father, Harp (Luther: The Fallen Sun‘s Idris Elba). Cole is shocked to find that despite the urban environment
Gary Gray. Filmed in Philadelphia, its intense narrative and grueling moral questions left a mark. Directed by: F. Gary Gray Also ranks #5 on The 25 Best Movies And Shows Like 'Beef', Ranked By Fans Also ranks #10 on The 75+ Best Prison Break Movies of All Time Also ranks #11 on...
But I say bring on the role-playing – there’s something captivating about this singer who sounds like he doesn’t care if anybody hears him, who just wants to get some things off his chest and then go to bed. Something strangely and indisputably cool. 38. Ty Segall – Twins (2012)...
IFC did not release the film in New York or Los Angeles, focusing instead on Philadelphia, Tucson and Kansas City. HBO released the DVD in April 2006 and Showtime and The Movie Channel began the cable run in December 2006. Released: 2005 Directed by: Matt Mulhern 46 The Outrun Saoir...
a player-coach for an underdog minor league hockey team in Charleston, Pennsylvania. When the local steel mill closes, their place in the town becomes jeopardized and to bring in more attendance, he decides to manipulate his team into playing an aggressive style of hockey that looks a lot mo...
The District of Columbia is discussed in the articleWashington. For discussion of other major U.S. cities,seethe articlesBoston,Chicago,Los Angeles,New Orleans,New York City,Philadelphia, andSan Francisco. Political units in association with the United States include Puerto Rico, discussed in the ...
Hepburn was married once, toPhiladelphiabroker Ludlow Ogden Smith, but the union was dissolved in 1934. While filmingWoman of the Yearin 1942, she began an enduringintimaterelationship with her costar,Spencer Tracy, with whom she would appear in films such asAdam’s Rib(1949) andPat and Mike...
After discovering a once-in-a-lifetime player with a rocky past abroad, Stanley Sugerman (Sandler), a down-on-his-luck Philadelphia 76ers scout, takes it upon himself to bring the young phenom to the States without his team's approval. Against the odds, the pair must work to prove ...
On May 16, 1980, Los Angeles Lakers point guard Earvin “Magic” Johnson steps in for injured center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and scores 42 points, leading the Lakers to a four games-to-two series win over the Philadelphia 76ers for their first championship since 1972. French students channel the...