In Teen Wolf, Scott Howard (Michael J. Fox), an average high school student, undergoes a bizarre transformation into a werewolf. Struggling with this newfound identity, he is caught in the throes of adolescence and the unexpected complications of lycanthropy. His best friend, Stiles (Jerry...
Also ranks #1 on 13 Great Movies You Didn't Realize Almost Went Straight To Video Also ranks #4 on The Best Time Travel Comedies, Ranked 13 Easy A Emma Stone, Penn Badgley, Amanda Bynes 455 votes A high school student's white lie about losing her virginity spirals into a f...
a倾听表示尊重、建立良好的人际关系 Listens attentively expresses the respect, the establishment good interpersonal relationship[translate] a老师让那个学生站在教室外 Teacher lets that student stand outside the classroom[translate] a宝贝 祝你生日快乐 希望你愿望成真 The treasure wishes your birthday to hope...
There’s the master who rides a bike into class; the headmaster who opens a drawer to reveal a teacher; Travis’s wrestle with a waitress at a local café… But these more surreal scenes aside, the film’s success is down to its detail: Sherwin and Anderson well knew the world they ...
She's the president of her black sorority, captain of their champion step dance crew, is student liaison to the college dean, and her next move is on to Harvard Law School. She's got it all, right? ... Style: light, entertaining, funny, feel good, humorous ... Audience: chick ...
Portman plays a star who tries to get under the skin of Moore’s character, a woman who raped a child when she was a teacher, and later married that young man. Charles Melton is phenomenal as the now-grown victim, stuck in perpetual adolescence. May December watch on netflix The ...
Light entertainment but good entertainment on these dark nights. TV A Teacher A interesting story about a student and a teacher. The emotional side is treated well and respectful over the episodes. Usually these type of things are rushed and A teacher doesn’t do that. The topics are adult ...
This story is about two high-schoolers: Kelsa (Eva Reign), who is a transgender high school student who documents her life on YouTube, and Khal (Abubakr Ali), who gives relationship advice online. Their romance is tested throughout, and both have to face the biggest obstacle: being more...
Tam (ตั้ม) is an university student. He takes additional jobs as he doesn't come from a rich family. He rents a house to a strict owner, who has two daughters. Tam tries to seduce the first daughter but she is already engaged. Tam is an evening teacher (อาจา...
When Hunham is assigned to supervise the “holdovers” who don’t go home for the holidays, he’s left on campus with student Angus Tully (Dominic Sessa), along with school cafeteria manager Marie Lamb (Oscar winner Da’Vine Joy Randolph). After other students leave, the three of them fo...