Storyline: TV star Sarah Marshall breaks up with her musician boyfriend Peter Bretter. For him to move on, he goes to Hawaii. However, Sarah and her new boyfriend, who has a narcissistic personality disorder, are there in the same hotel in Hawaii. Movie Title:Step Brothers- Watch n...
"Girl, Interrupted" is a film adaptation of Susanna Kaysen’s memoir, which recounts her experience of being diagnosed with borderlinepersonality disorder(BPD) and her stay in apsychiatrichospital in the 1960s. While the film touches on important themes of mental health and self-...
PsychologicalDisorders: EatingDisordersEatingdisordershave drastically been on the climb in the recent years. It has become increasing popular to be extremely thin and focus on the superficial aspects of the body. Currently 8 million people are living with some kind of eatingdisorder. There are three...
Style:psychological, captivating, suspense, emotional, inspirational ... Audience:date night, family outing, kids, teens Plot:survival, loneliness, isolation, island, desert island, stranded on an island, courage, lost at sea, solitude, determination, survivor, air disaster ... ...
Story:With no clue how he came to be imprisoned, drugged and tortured for 15 years, a desperate businessman seeks revenge on his captors. Style:twist ending, psychological, bleak, neo noir, intense ... Audience:adult Plot:revenge, vengeance, incest, violence, psychopath, captivity, older man...
This 2022 show is about a man with a personality disorder and becomes a vigilante, featuring Ethan Hawke. It’s about a man who has cancer and gets experimented on by a crazy scientist, who turns him immortal. This movie is about someone who is trying to live on another planet and tryin...
Over 1K filmgoers have voted on the 100+ films on Best Period Movies Set in the '80s. Current Top 3: The Wedding Singer, Bohemian Rhapsody, Fargo
Over 900 filmgoers have voted on the 100+ Best Black Thriller Movies, Ranked. Current Top 3: Training Day, Get Out, Boyz n the Hood
Some of his compulsions include avoiding stepping on cracks in the sidewalks and streets, avoiding touch, and checking. The distress caused by his behaviors increases throughout the movie (a marked distress is a qualifier for the disorder in the DSM-V). The remedy for his OCD in the movie...
Top movies up for release in 2024 in cinema and on VOD All the Long Nights DIRECTOR: Shô Miyake CAST: Hokuto Matsumura, Mone Kamishiraishi & Ken Mitsuishi Misa Fujisawa is finding life harder to manage with her premenstrual syndrome. Once a month, she finds herself exploding with rage at ...