Gangsters, fighters, athletes, serial killers, celebrities and so much more–these films are the best of the based-on-a-true-story stories.
Netflix tick, tick...BOOM! (2021) This movie is sad for what happens off-screen as well as on. It's based on a play byRentscribe Jonathan Larson, and it's about his struggles to find success on and off the stage. In that way, it also serves as a moving portrait of an artist...
Explore movies based on true stories as we pit History vs. Hollywood. See photos of the real people, watch interviews and learn the truth behind movies based on real stories.
Over 1K filmgoers have voted on the 80+ films on Great Historical Black Movies Based On True Stories. Current Top 3: Hidden Figures, Malcolm X, 42
Over 6K filmgoers have voted on the 260+ films on Best Movies Based On True Stories. Current Top 3: Schindler's List, Goodfellas, Apollo 13
If they were doing it now, it would make for a great 10-parter on Netflix instead. What it does deserve real credit for, through its technical action sequences and dramatic visuals, is finally providing a sense of how the world’s highest mountain must look and feel to those pulled ...
stories for the screen, artistic license and composite characters are just par for the course. what is important about the best movies based on true stories, though, isn’t that names and dates are precisely on the mark, but that the directors, writers, actors, set designers, and makeup ...
“An aspiring actress crosses paths with a prolific serial killer in ’70s LA when they’re cast on an episode of “The Dating Game.” Based on a true story.” Watch Woman of the Hour on Netflix Selma (2014) Director: Ava DuVernay ...
Stream now on Netflix 'All Good Things' (2010) Based on a true story, "All Good Things" tells the story of David Marks (Ryan Gosling), heir to a real-estate dynasty, who falls in love with and marries Katie (Kirsten Dunst), a woman of modest origins. Their relationship becomes volat...
From blockbuster movies, to Netflix originals and classic hits, these are the best films to watch on Netflix UK this month.