Also ranks #47 on The 75 Best Movies About The Holocaust, Ranked 66 Stonewall Jeremy Irvine, Jonny Beauchamp, Jonathan Rhys Meyers 231 votes Stonewall is a 1995 historical comedy-drama film. Inspired by the memoir of the same title by openly-homosexual historian Martin Duberman, Stonewall is a...
Set against the backdrop of the Holocaust, this poignantly touching film follows a father, Guido, who uses his humor and imagination to shield his young son from the horrors of their concentration camp. The unwavering love and dedication Guido displays in protecting his son's innocence make for...
As they live and profit off horror, the sights and sounds of the Holocaust give the film a terrifying, unsettling foundation, reminding us how often true evil can be right next door. The Zone of Interest watch on Max Comedy Barbie Year: 2023Runtime: 1h 55mDirector: Greta Gerwig ...
It follows the life of László Tóth, a Hungarian-born Jewish architect who survives the Holocaust and emigrates to the United States, where he struggles to achieve the American Dream until a wealthy client changes his life. The film premiered at the 81st Venice International Film Festival on ...
First he played Holocaust hero Oskar Schindler. Then he played Irish hero Michael Collins. Liam Neeson stars in this biopic about the Irish revolutionary, soldier and politician who struggled for Ireland’s independence from the United Kingdom in the early 20th century. ...
Meryl Streep gives one of the best performances of all time in this story of a writer (Peter MacNicol) living in Brooklyn who befriends an Auschwitz survivor (Streep) and her beau (Kevin Kline) shortly after the Holocaust. Through flashbacks, we see Sophie’s harrowing journey, including wha...
But there’s a bigger story here, too, because the story of sex scenes is the story of cinema: a slow evolution from Hays Code-era censorship to a more open and honest view of human behaviour marked by sudden advances in what’s depicted – and more than a few regressive ones, too....
Here are the best sad movies on Netflix, including 'Dear John' and 'Marriage Story.' Stream one of these films the next time you're in the mood to cry.
A quintessential World War II movie that’s unflinching in its portrayal of the Holocaust, directorSteven Spielberg‘sSchindler’s Listis a spine-chilling retelling of a disturbing true story. Liam Neeson stars as the German businessman Oskar Schindler, who, while initially motivated by profit, tu...
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