Over 10K filmgoers have voted on the 180+ films on Best Science Fiction Action Movies. Current Top 3: Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Alien, The Terminator
Over 8K filmgoers have voted on the 370+ films on Best Movies Of The '90s, Ranked. Current Top 3: The Shawshank Redemption, The Silence of the Lambs, Jurassic ...
There are so many spectacular anime from the 1990s. Here is a list of the best ones to add to your watch list.
If you’re ever going to write a science fiction film, and fancy a bit of nookie in it, this is the gold standard to aim for. What I love aboutDemolition Man– and it’s not a short list – is its invention of technologies that it has no intention at all of explaining. As a co...
The best '90s movies are genre-defining classics that continue to influence and inspire today, from the stylish Pulp Fiction to the harrowing Schindler's List.
Check out our list of the best 90s movies available for streaming before your next millennials-only movie night.
Friday Fiction: Machine Operations It Came From The Archives: “Severance: A Disquieting Science Fiction Tale” CommentsMovies, Reviews, The Latest 90sGodzillaJurassic ParkMatrixTop liststotal recallBoldly Go! Subscribe Below! Get all of our stories for the week delivered right to your inbox! Emai...
If truth is indeed stranger than fiction, than the story of Robert Crumb is just about the weirdest ever told. Indeed, Crumb, Terry Zwigoff’s 1994 portrait of the infamous cartoonist, is so bracing and unbelievable that it at times borders on the absurd. A misfit father and mother breed ...
Paul Verhoeven's Total Recall is not only one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's most beloved films, it's flat-out one of the '90s best both in terms of actioners and science fiction movies. And, just as it's a thoughtful and intelligent adventure, it's also a brutally violent one. Like Ro...
Over 5K filmgoers have voted on the 190+ films on Best Erotic Thrillers Of All Time. Current Top 3: Basic Instinct, Wild Things, Unfaithful