As a landmark work in the portrayal of transgender stories on screen, the movie's devastating narrative calls for empathy, understanding, and advocacy for transgender rights. Released: 1999 Directed by: Kimberly Peirce Dig Deeper Premiere's Hollywood's 25 Most Dangerous Films Ever Made Also ranks...
Frustrated with a soul-killing job, New Yorker Julie Powell (Amy Adams) embarks on a daring project: she vows to prepare all 524 recipes in Julia Childs' landmark cookbook, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." Intertwined with Julie's story is the true tale of how Julia Child (M...
Here are the best movies on Netflix to watch in December 2024, as well as all the latest films that are new on Netflix from December 7-13, 2024.
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skip to main content tv & movies 40 greatest animated movies ever from pixar landmarks to cyberpunk anime and stop-motion indies — our top non-live-action films and toons of all time by sam adams , charles bramesco , tim grierson , noel murray , jenna scherer , scott tobias , alissa...
skip to main content tv & movies 40 greatest animated movies ever from pixar landmarks to cyberpunk anime and stop-motion indies — our top non-live-action films and toons of all time by sam adams , charles bramesco , tim grierson , noel murray , jenna scherer , scott tobias , alissa...
’s (David Oyelowo) historic march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965. Despite facing violent opposition, King presses his followers on, ultimately pressuring President Lyndon B. Johnson (Tom Wilkinson) to sign the Voting Rights Act of 1965, one of the landmark victories for the Civil Rights ...
It’s been a good few years sinceDunkirkand1917reminded audiences of the horrors of war, but Netflix assumed that responsibility with shocking but beautifully-made WWI epicAll Quiet on the Western Front.Based on Erich Maria Remarque’s landmark novel of the same name (which was first adapted...
Cooper’s landmark also hinges on scenes where the filmmaking is stripped to its spine, notably an unbroken shot of a fledgling ingenue being guided through her first screen test. Fay Wray raises her eyes toward an imaginary monster, feigns to choke on her own terror and unleashes a scream ...
Dutch-Australian filmmaker Rolf de Heer's movie was made in true collaboration with the Aboriginal inhabitants of the lush Arnhem Land, and proves an insightful - and entertaining - delve into their rich culture. Opening with a joke from narrator David Gulpilil that this is arealstory, rather ...