Rose McGowan stars as a manipulative high school student who becomes obsessed with her English teacher, played by Alex McArthur. As she schemes to destroy his life and win his love, the tension and danger escalate, resulting in a suspenseful and provocative viewing experience. The film explores...
General Candy (Roger Livesey), who's overseeing an English squad in 1943, is a veteran leader who doesn't have the respect of the men he's training and is considered out-of-touch with what's needed to win the war. But it wasn't always this way. Flashing back to his early career...
As its name supplies, this free 3D movie download site focuses on Blu-ray 3D movies with higher resolution for you to watch on TV. When you open this free 3D movie download website, you're able to choose language via "Movie Languages" section, which covers English, German, Italian, Chin...
movies,politics,Reviews Movies I’m Watching: Paris Nous Appartient Middle East,movies Movies I’m Watching: Three Monkeys movies Movies I’m watching: JCVD America,movies Movies I’m watching: Oliver Stone’s W. movies Movies I’m Watching: Slumdog Millionaire ...
The young Polish filmmaker Roman Polanski came to London to make his second film – and first in English – and cast 21-year-old Catherine Deneuve as Carole, a fragile young Belgian woman living in South Kensington with her sister and working in a local hairdressing salon. When her sibling ...
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Critics Consensus: Similar to the original in all the right ways -- but with enough changes to stand on its own -- Let Me In is the rare Hollywood remake that doesn't add insult to inspiration. Synopsis: Bullied at school, neglected at home and incredibly lonely, 12-year-old Owen (...
Netflix has invested big in Millie Bobby Brown. Not only has the English ingenue been leading Stranger Things for years, but also she's becoming an outright action star through movies she has headlined and produced for the streamer, including a pair of Enola Holmes adventures and the fearsome...
“It won’t be for everyone, but if you have an interest in superstition and folklore as well as a taste for English humour,The Pocket Film of Superstitionswill be right up your alley. And for those who keep saying the genre needs something different, this is the kind of different it ...
“Near Dark”Moviestore/REX/Shutterstock Kathryn Bigelow couldn’t get her revisionist Western funded, so she rode the 1980s vampire wave to make this unique genre hybrid. A gorgeous, gory, and (romantically) gooey film set in a small midwestern town, “Near Dark” is a complicated love ...