Swinging onto screens with a perfect mix of teenage angst and superhero thrills, Spider-Man: Homecoming charmed audiences with a fresh take on Peter Parker's story after his stunning debut in Captain America: Civil War. Directed by Jon Watts and starring Tom Holland in the lead role alongsi...
Cpl. John McBurney is an injured Union soldier who finds himself on the run as a deserter during the Civil War. He seeks refuge at an all-female Southern boarding school where the teachers and students seem more than willing to help. Soon, sexual tensions lead to dangerous rivalries as the...
The quaint English countryside acts as the backdrop for much enthusiastic sadism in this Civil War tale based very loosely on the life of Protestant zealot Matthew Hopkins and his reign of witch-burning terror in East Anglia’s badlands. While we can only imagine the pleasure of watching origin...
a towering West African guerilla warfare leader. As civil war breaks out, a young boy named Agu is recruited by Commandment to join his battalion after attacks on the boy’s settlement are initiated by rebel forces. Leaving his family behind, Agu begins an immense coming-of-age ...
Story:An ex-mercenary turned smuggler. A Mende fisherman. Amid the explosive civil war overtaking 1999 Sierra Leone, these men join for two desperate missions: recovering a rare pink diamond of immense value and rescuing the fisherman's son ... ...
Our 16 movies in this Civil Rights Movie marathon include movies released in theaters, made for television and one documentary. We started in the Year 1841 and stopped in the Year 1968. This page attempts to cover 137 years. That time span saw the start and stop of the Civil War, ...
In Sofia Coppola's gothic Civil War thriller The Beguiled — a remake of the 1971 Clint Eastwood film of the same name — Colin Farrell plays a wounded Union soldier who falls ill near a Confederate all-girls' school. Nicole Kidman's headmaster Miss Farnsworth allows him to stay until ...
Best Minionese – antipasto! – Despicable Me 4 Jonny Numb–Follow Jonny on BlueSky When the Working Day Is Done, Oscar Winners Just Wanna Have Fun” Award: Cate Blanchett & Jamie Lee Curtis, BORDERLANDS Dumbest Movie About a Future We All May Wind Up Inhabiting” Award: CIVIL WAR ...
FORGIVE ME FATHER FORGIVENESS FORTUNES OF WAR Found Footage Festival FOUR Four Day War Four Lions FOX HUNT DRIVE FR(E)IGHT Fractured Visions Fragments Film festival 2019 Framework Productions Fran St Clair François Chau François Ozon Frances Tomelty Francesca Eastwood Fra...
He makes his way down to El Salvador and covers the Salvadoran Civil War, dodging death squads and unfriendly military leaders at every turn. James Belushi gives a fine performance as his burned-out pal who goes native.No Man’s Land –A dark Bosnian comedy/drama about two soldiers from ...