This introspective biographical drama tells the story of James Whale, the openly gay director best known for his work on classic horror films like Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein. Through a poignant exploration of Whale's relationship with a young gardener in the twilight of his life, the...
Movies like Love, Simon, The Half of It, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower exemplify what this genre has to offer. Love, Simon tells the story of a high school boy navigating the ups and downs of coming out while falling in love anonymously online. It's a heartfelt and humorous fil...
Gay teens form a geography club to hang out with like-minded friends and avoid being discovered. Released: 2013 Directed by: Gary Entin 63 Rustin Colman Domingo, Chris Rock, Glynn Turman 1 votes Bayard Rustin, adviser to Martin Luther King Jr., dedicates his life to the quest for racial...
We also meet a handful of new characters voiced by some truly delightful actors, like Issa Rae’s badass pregnant Spider-Woman, Oscar Issac as Spider-Man 2099, Daniel Kaluuya’s rocker Spider-Punk, and Karan Soni as Spider-Man India. While the sequel clocks in at two hours, every minute...
Netflix Length... 1h 31m Who’s in it...Haley Lu Richardson, Ben Hardy, Rob Delaney, Sally Richardson, Katrina Nare, Jameela Jamil What’s it about…After Hadley and Oliver fall in love on a flight from New York to London and unexpectedly lose each other at the airport, they must re...
Like in all superhero movies, in Shazam! Billy is tasked with defeating a superhero who wants to steal all his powers. The end of the movie hints that there will probably be a part two, so catch up on this one while you can. View full post on Youtube Advertisement - Continue ...
Though this seems like a good idea at first, she is soon forced to confront her own feelings of insecurity. From this, a tender tale of self-love and growing up blooms. — B.B. Where to watch: Dumplin' is now streaming on Netflix. 5. Yes, God, Yes Vertical Entertainment Credit: ...
Netflix Netflix Alex Strangelove (2018) Like so many teenagers before him, Alex Truelove in a love triangle of his own. Only this time, he can't decide between Claire, his longtime best friend (as per usual) — or a boy named Elliot. ...
This critically-acclaimed documentary features trans performers speaking about their experience working in the film industry. Disclosure is a must-see LGBTQ movie on Netflix, with guests like Laverne Cox (Orange Is the New Black), Mj Rodriguez (Pose), Elliot Fletcher (Y: The Last Man), and ...
What To Expect: There are multiple sex scenes throughout Through My Window, including some in wild places like a Ferris wheel and a helicopter. But at the same time, the movie also features several of the most sensual sequences on Netflix Stream Through My Window on Netflix. Also try:...