This Swedish comedy-drama is directed by Erika Wasserman and follows the story of Hanna, a 40-something who finds herself at rock bottom. Her personal and professional life is a mess, and it feels like everything is slipping out of her grasp. She feels lost and defeated, and that’s whe...
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Dennis Dortch brought his romance anthology to Sundance in 2008. Composed of several chapters, it peeks between the sheets and into the relationships of couples treading the murky waters of the dating game. There’s giving, there’s receiving, and—like the film itself—there’s exploration. ...
Don’t act like cartoons can’t make you swoon. Disney taps into enchantment with an animated tale as old as time: Cursed man must make woman love him to break the spell. Not only were audiences whisked away, but the Academy also—this was the first animated film to receive a Best Pi...
You’ve never seen a documentary quite like The Act of Killing. One of the best films of the 2010s, Joshua Oppenheimer’s film unpacks the Indonesian genocides of the 1960s and how the men who perpetrated them have never faced consequences. These men act out their crimes in reenactments...
Or at least deliberately trying to? You can watch the filmhere. 26. Spun (2002) A fair warning – do not judge the movie’s content from the picture shown above. How crazy could one become after a drug binge? ‘Spun’ has the answer. Its storyline goes like this – a meth addict...
For movie buffs and for the folks who like to binge-watch Tv series, FMovies is the one-stop solution for every type of entertainment you will ever need and which is also entirely free of any charge, surely you will come across some adverts, but that’s what keeps it going. This web...
I am a passionate student who is always enthused to gain knowledge. I am also a tech-geek and Gamer. I am a freelancer by nature and hate boundaries which limit my abilities. Category Windows 10 tags Share this post Leave a Comment
Fun Fact: "The cast has all said it is going to blow people's minds. Season 6 is out of control. And that's what we see in the evolution as it's becoming more like 'Breaking Bad,' and these characters, the show writers said, the 'Breaking Bad' characters, we're going to see ...
but MovieSwap figures it will be “the perfect place to binge-watch cult shows like Seinfeld or The Sopranos,” and discover series’ from around the world. Shows not available on Netflix or other streaming services, particularly those from HBO, could offer the chance for viewers to catch up...