Also ranks #9 on The 30+ Best PG-13 Dance Movies 17 Work It Sabrina Carpenter, Liza Koshy, Keiynan Lonsdale 25 votes This quirky, upbeat film follows a high school student who forms her motley crew to compete in a dance championship as part of an ambitious plan to get into college...
This quirky, upbeat film follows a high school student who forms her motley crew to compete in a dance championship as part of an ambitious plan to get into college. Effortlessly blending humor and exhilarating choreography, this feel-good movie will have audiences cheering for the underdogs...
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Our dynamic duo, Romy and Michele, cook up an elaborate ruse to impress their former classmates at their 10-year high school reunion. With its iconic fashion statements and unforgettable dance sequence, this film perfectly captures the essence of '90s teen culture while delivering side-splitting ...
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Sabrina Carpenter, Jordan Fisher, and Liza Koshy star in this flick about a type-A teen who's willing to do anything to get into her dream college — like starting a dance team even though she has two left feet. View full post on Youtube Watch Now LOL This Miley Cyrus movie is the...
Yeoh was born into a wealthy Malaysian family. From an early age, she was involved in various physical activities, including basketball and swimming, though she was particularly interested inballet. As a teenager, she attended the Royal Academy of Dance in London, but a back injury ended her ...
When the main character's crush finally notices her, it seems like every teenage dream — that is, until his social media star ex does too. WATCH NOW Netflix Work It (2020) Harness the power of dance with this toe-tapping film about a clumsy student who turns a bunch of fellow ... Charliechaplinchannel ...
(née Rodriguez) was a teacher, and her father, David Lopez, was a computer specialist. The middle child of three daughters, Jennifer Lopez shared a bed growing up with her elder sister, Leslie Ann, and younger sister, Lynda, in the family’s modest-sized home. Lopez took dance lessons ...