A quintessential slice of '80s teen life, this film dives into the lives and relationships of various high schoolers at a California mall. Tackling themes of love, work, and friendship with humor and honesty, it's an unapologetic look at adolescence, featuring unforgettable characters l...
This Swedish comedy-drama is directed by Erika Wasserman and follows the story of Hanna, a 40-something who finds herself at rock bottom. Her personal and professional life is a mess, and it feels like everything is slipping out of her grasp. She feels lost and defeated, and that’s whe...
A misunderstood teenager and a reanimated corpse embark on a murderous journey to find love, happiness and a few missing body parts. Actors: Kathryn Newton, Cole Sprouse, Liza Soberano, Henry Eikenberry, Joe Chrest Directed by: Zelda Williams Also ranks #4 on The 20 Best Movie...
Story: From the outside, the Suhs seem like a loving, cookie-cutter, middle-class family with their lives in perfect order. In reality, everyone is hiding some secrets. The father has the hots for a young grad student. The mother is flirting around with a ... Style: captivating, humoro...
Roma follows Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio), a young domestic worker for a family in the middle-class neighborhood of Roma in Mexico City. Delivering an artful love letter to the women who raised him, Cuarón draws on his own childhood to create a vivid and emotional portrait of domestic strife and...
This part of the human experience is what invigorates us more than anything, giving us the most meaning and purpose we ever have aside from perhaps the love of our children and self-preservation. For that reason, stories like this invoke such visceral reactions in each and endure for years....
"There's a difference between like and love. Because I like my Sketchers, but I love my Prada backpack." If Shakespeare himself wrote teen comedies, he couldn't come up with lines this good – but screenwriters Karen McCullah and Kirsten Smith managed it in their '90s redo of The Tami...
s love affair with our nearest animal relative (courtesy of vivid prosthetic costumery). Aware that our imaginations are filthier than anything they could put onscreen, the filmmakers deliver an urbane comedy of manners facilitated by Rampling’s ability to seem like she’s always up for anything...
Like a time loop,Made for Lovestar Cristin Milioti can't escape 'harrowing' run-ins with technology 15of 19 The Princess Diaries(2001) Anne Hathaway in 'The Princess Diaries'.Everett Collection Serving asAnne Hathaway’s movie debut and breakthrough role,The Princess Diariesrepresents the classic...
But what’s beyond criticism is the commitment to emotional veracity which fuelled films like ‘The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner’. So while the timeworn clichés of the kitchen sink remain intact – grubby class warfare, county-hopping pseudo-Northern accents, the God’s-eye shot of...