1,039 votes Agree or Disagree? Featuring a captivating storyline based on Michael Crichton's novel Eaters of the Dead, this film follows the tale of an Arab ambassador who unexpectedly joins a group of Norse warriors on their quest to combat a mysterious supernatural force. With thrilling ba...
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Younger fans will recognize Sir Michael Caine as Bruce Wayne's butler in "The Dark Knight." Caine's career, however, has been running full-steam for nearly 60 years. In his heyday, Caine was a leading man in classic flicks like the original "Alfie," "The Italian Job," and "Get Cart...
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Murphy's chameleon-like character changes has kept him racing at top speed, commanding the comedy space in Hollywood. Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York, USA Dig Deeper Movie Roles That Completely Changed When A Specific Actor Was Cast Also ranks #168 on The Best Actors In Film History 9 Jamie...
Released: 2018 Directed by: Travis Knight Also ranks #3 on All 7 of the Transformers Movies, Ranked Also ranks #6 on Underrated Movie Adaptations That Aren't Based On Books Also ranks #7 on 13 Prequels That Improved Upon The Original Movies 23 Halloween Jamie Lee Curtis, Judy Greer, Andi...