Bend It Like Beckham, a British comedy-drama, weaves the story of Jesminder Bhamra (Parminder Nagra), a young Sikh woman smitten with football. Amidst cultural clashes and family expectations, she nurtures her passion clandestinely, inspired by her idol David Beckham. Her talent catches the eye...
Blockbuster films like American Sniper, Fifty Shades of Grey, and Kingsman: The Secret Service are included in this list along with every major movie release of 2015. From dramas and romantic comedies, to thrillers, sci-fi epics, and even documentaries, the best films of 2015 run the gamut...
It just feels so real. It’s also a rare sex scene that chimes in perfect harmony with the film around it. Their sex feels like both an expression of grief and a welcome respite from it. Most of all, the actors just look like they know what they’re doing. No wonder they’ve been...
Critics Consensus: Like its winsome characters, Dirty Dancing uses impressive choreography and the power of song to surmount a series of formidable obstacles. Synopsis: Baby (Jennifer Grey) is one listless summer away from the Peace Corps. Hoping to enjoy her youth while it lasts,... [More...
June 1: A Kid Like Jake GET TICKETS Claire Danes and Jim Parsons play a Brooklyn couple whose 4-year-old son is more interested in princesses than superheroes. Their portrayal of their characters' struggles about how to parent him is real and raw. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Warne...
Recent Movie Trailers Also See List of Recently Released Movie Trailers.Ready Player One Comic-Con trailer #1. Published 22 July 2017. Warner Bros. Pictures' Ready Player One. In theaters 30 March 2018. Steven Spielberg unveiled the trailer during the Warner Bros. Panel at Comic-Con. ...
world filled with major personal opportunities. An energetic Black comedy-drama with familiar but elevated family undertones,Uncorkedlooks and feels like a number of other films in the “stay-or-go” subgenre, but its performances and relatable narrative push it above the rest of its counterparts....
Things even repeated viewers ofThe Breakfast Clubdid not – like how janitor character Carl (John Kapelos) – is seen in a high school graduate photo at the beginning, implying that this Shakespearean clown figure, the guy who sweeps the halls and fixes the leaks, knows everything that goes...
What to do with a Krell Foundation 4K 7.1 to improve or set up or adapt or whatever to deliver DOLBY:X , Atmos and Aura 3D. I wanted Krell for the Audio quality I believe is not met by Denon Onkyo Pioneer that are all big boxes consumer stuff like Best buy in the US. I hate “...
Roman Holiday, Funny Face and Sabrina - all of which star Audrey Hepburn - are three of the best romance movies of the 1950s. If you prefer a blond bombshell as your leading lady, you'll be happy to see '50s love stories that star Marilyn Monroe like The Seven Year Itch and How to...