IMDB Synopsis: Just before Christmas, Mary Ann adopts a baby girl to raise alone. She and the infant spend the Christmas stuck in Bethlehem, PA, due to bad weather. Her only choice when the inn is full is to stay with Joe, the brother of the innkeeper. Bennett Synopsis: Single mom Ma...
Inspired by the actual case of Colonia Dignidad, “The Wolf House” masquerades as an animated fairy tale produced by the leader of the sect in order to indoctrinate its followers.See our discussion of the film (and stop motion animation in general) in the video below:Further StrangenessCan’...
In 1977, college graduates Harry Burns (Billy Crystal) and Sally Albright (Meg Ryan) share a contentious car ride from Chicago to New York, during which they argue about whether men and women can ever truly be strictly platonic friends. Ten years later, Harry and Sally mee...
1 What do we care if we were expelled from college? 2 The war is gonna start any day. We would've left college anyhow. 3 War! Isn't it exciting, Scarlett? 4 Do you know those Yankees actually want a war? 5 We'll show 'em. Fiddle-dee-dee!赞...
A raw portrait of Black life in South Central Los Angeles, Boyz n the Hood tells the story of Tre (Cuba Gooding Jr.), who moves in with his stern father Furious (Laurence Fishburne, as outstanding as ever) as a young boy. We follow Tre, now a teen who aspires to go to college,...
Actor Jessica Rothe — who is the big charismatic reason why these movies work — plays Tree, a college sorority girl who gets murdered by a killer wearing a terrifying baby mask on the night of her birthday. Until the next morning, when Tree wakes up — back in her bed, alive, on ...
And music. Music has always been magic, but even more so today. Harmonious transmissions from around the world are available to us with a tap of the finger, on something we carry around in our pockets. So yeah, I am hopeful at the end of the day. I believe there are more good ...
He lives outside of Pittsburgh, Pa.Posted at 06:20 PM in 52 Movies, Film | Permalink | Comments (14) 52 Movies: Week 52 - About A Boy 12/28/2016 No man is an island. – Jon Bon Jovi This quote is the theme of the movie, discussed in voice-over by the main character at ...
Bethany Anne Lind in “His Mother.” “His Mother,” a 13 minute and 39 secondshort film that is Oscar eligible, stars Jennifer Lawrence look-alike Bethany Anne Lind as the mother of a young man who is threatening violence at his college, Southern Tech. Young Harrison Miller, age 19, 5...