A heartfelt romantic comedy set against the vibrant backdrop of Glasgow's Indian food scene, Nina's Heavenly Delights tells the tale of a young woman who returns to her family's restaurant after her father's death and embarks on a journey to find love and herself. With an engaging cast...
Jimmy (Robert Carlyle) is a small-time crook living in Glasgow, Scotland, long since absent from the lives of his ex-wife, Shirley (Shirley Henderson), and 12-year-old daughter, Marlene (Finn Atkins), who live in England's Midlands. One day, Jimmy happens to catch Shirley and Marlene ...
A musical in which a modern day Romeo and Juliet are involved in New York street gangs. On the harsh streets of the upper west side, two gangs battle for control of the turf. The situation becomes complicated when a gang members falls in love with a rival's sister. Released: 1961 Direc...
Glasgow FrightFest GLASS CASA Glenn Close Glenn Plummer Glenn Tamplin Global Digital Releasing Global Indie Films Gloucester Film Festival Glyn Dilley God of the Underworld GOD'S PETTING YOU GOD’S PETTING YOU GOLDEN BEAR-WINNER Golden Globe winner Goldfinch Goldy Notay Gonzal...
Following on from a trio of shorts, director Lynne Ramsay revisited her birthplace of Glasgow to deliver an account of innocence and experience, love and death during a dustmen’s strike in the early 1970s . The pranks of monosyllabic scamp James (William Eadie) form the core of the film,...
The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. Refresh the page to resume playback Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Film, TV & Theatre Everything to Know AboutWith Love, Meghan ...
is a brilliant commentary on how women are still bound to societal expectations and their freedom is but a cloak forged by expectations. The film received many awards worldwide, including at the Tokyo International Film Festival, the Glasgow International Film Festival, the New York Indian Film Fe...
Look out for openly gay Angie and in-denial Gabby! Watch asnippet of Season 1 on YouTube Lip Service Based in Glasgow, Scotland,Lip Servicefollows the lives of a group of lesbians. The diverse lesbian characters take us on a journey of love, lies, and deception and offer a gritty outloo...
. Sky News is forecasting that Scotland has rejected independence, meaning the United Kingdom will remain intact. Victories in Glasgow, Dundee and West Dunbartonshire had given the Yes campaign a major boost. However, they were followed by substantial No victories in Stirling, Aberdeen and Dumfries...
Based in Watford (home). However I visit regularly: *Glasgow *Leeds *Birmingham *Cardiff Miss Tiffany I am a 19 year old teenage dominatrix Miss Tiffany and I like to satisfy my exhibitionist side by recording my play sessions with my slaves. Mistress Eve I am a 22 year old lifestyle ...