Separated from humans in a South African area called District 9, the aliens are managed by Multi-National United, which is unconcerned with the aliens' welfare but will do anything to master their advanced technology. When a company field agent (Sharlto Copley) contracts a mysterious virus t...
My Neighbor Totoro 4,972 votes This acclaimed animated tale by director Hayao Miyazaki follows schoolgirl Satsuke and her younger sister, Mei, as they settle into an old country house with their father and wait for their mother to recover from an illness in an area hospital. As the sisters ...
What was the first movie you saw in theaters? Here's what moviegoers from Grand Junction, Fruita, Clifton, Palisade, Montrose, and other Western Colorado communities had to say.
Claressa Shields, a high school junior from Flint, Michigan, aided by her tough-love coach, Jason Crutchfield, pushes past all limitations to become the first American woman to win an Olympic gold medal in boxing. But even at the pinnacle of success, Claressa has to reckon with the fact th...
No theaters were interested to show it as the 6th October 1976 sad events just happened. Piak Poster shown it to the students and good feedbacks started to spread. Nice modern songs and guitar performances helped to popularize the movie. Finally it reaped 8 millions Baht. ตั้ม ...
Where to watch: Theaters The premise could set up a tacky 1990s courtroom drama or erotic thriller: A woman’s husband falls from a balcony and dies while she was in the house. Did she do it? Anatomy of a Fall is not one of those movies, but it’s not not one of those movies ...
Deep in an essay from late 1971 outlining and cataloguing his experiences in New York's Times Square adult theaters, historian Joseph Slade buries a curious detail. Outlining the various projection methods in the area venues, Slade describes the screening of shoddy "homemade videotapes " in some...
Most Popular Movies to Watch in Theaters This Week Ahu Yutmaz Brighten up your inbox with a little HOLLYWOOD By providing your name and email address, you agree to receive promotional messages in accordance with 's Privacy Policy. GET THE LATEST The - Tickets &...
It rarely hurts to merge horror with a tinge of comedy, and John Landis' An American Werewolf in London is one of the finer examples of that combination. It's also one of several iconic werewolf movies that hit theaters in 1981. Of the trio, American Werewolf remains the most popular and...