The TV movie was directed by John Kent Harrison, from a teleplay written by Susan Shilliday. Although footage from the project appeared in a trailer on Spy Kids DVD and VHS copies as early as 2001 broadcast of the completed film was delayed several times; it finally aired in the United ...
Kent Okwesa Kentarô Shimizu Kenton Hall Kentucker Audley Kerrie Hayes Kerry Armstrong Kerry Boyne Kerry Joy Stewart Kestie Morassi Ketchup Films Ketrick 'Jazz' Copeland Kevin Allen Kevin Caliber Kevin Cooper Kevin Guthrie Kevin Howarth Kevin Joy Kevin JP Hulihan Kevin Ma...
This documentary reveals the world of Skatopia, a renowned skate park and anarchist commune in Ohio. Through unfiltered interviews and footage, it portrays the locale's chaotic charm, rebellious spirit, and sense of freedom. This film is a bold exploration of the intersection between skateboarding...
Story: The Year That Trembled is a 1970 coming-of-age story set in the shadow of Kent State that focuses on a group of young characters facing the Vietnam Draft Lottery. Style: emotional, sentimental, sincere, touching, contemplative ... Plot: vietnam war, lottery, friendship, anti war...
The town of Shadyside, Ohio has been victim to terrifying events that have lasted centuries since its days as a colonial settlement. In the year 1994, a group of teenagers discovers that all of the events may be connected with each other, and they are the next targets. ...
Comments on the fascination over artificial life or man-made life depicted in mass media. Information on several science fiction-themed motion pictures, including "Jurassic Park;" Reason behind the fascination according to Don Hassler, an English professor at the Kent State University in Ohio.Go...
Olympic Curiosity + Kentez Asaka Nude + Trump X Black Journalists + Trump Desperately Tries To Dump Project 2025 + MORE! —12-PACKComments (0) leetham·Just Can’t Get Enough ABOVE: Your new song of summer! BELOW:Keep reading for Olympics fun, Trump squirming and more... ...
Kentwood Lansing Livonia Roseville Saginaw Taylor Troy IOWA Davenport KENTUCKY Owensboro OHIO Lima At Disc Replay™ stores, we buy, sell and trade used DVD and blu-ray movies, used electronics, used compact discs, used video games, video game systems, and video game accessories. Disc Replay...
This portrait of one of the defining New Wave groups of the 1980s traces its de-volution from a reaction to the massacre at Kent State (where founding members Mark Mothersbaugh, Gerald Casale, and Jim Lewis were students) to their brilliantly confounding SNL appearance, “Whip It...
Here is an alphabetical listing of all the movies (so far) that have been certified as among the 366 weirdest ever made, along with links to films reviewed in capsule form only. (You may need to use your browser’s search function to locate a specific movie). ...