This Bollywood thriller follows the story of a college student who falls in love with a woman engaged to his brother, leading to a web of deceit and danger. With its compelling narrative, memorable musical moments, and strong performances from the lead actors, the film has become a classic ...
One of the earlier movies of Bollywood’s most loved heroine, Sridevi, it tells a heart touching story. A young woman, after suffering from a grave head injury starts acting like a child. Taking advantage of this some people kidnap and sell her to a brothel, a schoolteacher who she is ...
College Love Ahn Sung-ki, Jeong Yun-hui, Yoon Il-Bong Released: 1980 Directed by: Park Nam-Su College Students Jung Han-yong, Mi-Young Lee, Cho Seo Hee Released: 1980 Directed by: Kim Su-Hyeong Comandos azules Comandos azules is a 1980 Argentine film. Released: 1980 Directed by:...
In a college, some boys and girls, coming for problematic families, always make a mess. The principal decides to expel them. An old teacher askes for a last chance in order to educate them. Despite early suspicion from the students, she tries to motivate them and give them back their pri...
At the Movies: Bollywood (宝莱坞) When people hear the word “Hollywood” (好莱坞), they often think of American movies. But when someone says “Bollywood”, what do you think of The word “Bollywood” is a mix of the words “Bombay” (a city in India, which is the center of the ...
List of best B movies: top B grade movies of porn, horror, comedy, love, zombie, all kinds. And free download B movies full HD from Vimeo, Dailymotion, 1000+ movie sites.
In it, the audience follows the relationship between Harry and Sally, two college students with very different personalities and opinions that cause them to clash almost from the moment they meet. Over the years, the two run into each other again on several occasions, and their relationship ...
For Fans Of: Comedy, Crime, Drama Why These Movies Are Worth Going Back to the 2000's: Led by a young Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans, The Perfect Score offers a unique spin on heist films as high school students conspire to steal SAT answers for their future success. This engaging ...
It provides free public access to collections of digitized materials, including websites, software applications/games, music, movies/videos, moving images, and millions of books, including free textbooks for college students. As of May 7, 2022, the Internet Archive holds over 35 million books and...
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