The life of 11-year-old Billy Elliot, a coal miner's son in Northern England, is forever changed one day when he stumbles upon a ballet class during his weekly boxing lesson. Before long, he finds himself in dance, demonstrating the kind of raw talent seldom seen by the class' exacting...
The movie finished production in 1982, but was not publicly screened in Iran until 1998. The movie was filmed in Italy and Ghazali Cinematic Mini-City in Iran. Released: 1998 Directed by: Ali Hatami Time of Love Menderes Samancılar, Abdurrahman Palay, Şiva Gerede Time of Love is a...
Filmed in and around Ladbroke Grove in West London – before it was ‘renewed’ and became one of the swankiest neighbourhoods in the city – Horace Ové’s film follows Tony, a second-generation teenager from a Caribbean family whose refusal to bow to racist oppression sets him apart from ...
These comedy films are guaranteed to bring a little levity to your evening, whether it be through jokes or characters in insane situations. With typically universally relatable stories, comedy movies remind us that it's okay to poke fun at ourselves once in a while. Ferris Bueller's Day Off ...
This movie is filmed in Hong Kong and Thailand. Manop Aussawathep is playing the head of Thai narcotics police. He receives a telegram that a drug trafficker called Peter Wong (Lo Lieh) has come from Hong kong. Pon (Tanyarat Lohanan) is playing a bar waitress. Boo Wibunnan is the ...
Before moving on to mainstream success with severalBournefilms andCaptain Phillips, director Paul Greengrass made arguably his best film: a drama about the infamous 1972 shootings in Northern Ireland (yes, the same ones that inspired the U2 hit). The film attracted widespread critical acclaim, sha...
It’s 1983, the shorts are short, and the music is by the Psychedelic Furs. In a summer villa in Northern Italy, sensitive teenager Elio (Timothée Chalamet) comes of age after his academic father invites a grad student, Oliver (Armie Hammer), to stay with them. The flirtation becomes mu...
Even if you can’t travel to Italy right now, you can get your Italian culture fix with these 101 movies set in Italy. This list represents films set in Italy, not necessarily filmed in Italy – we all know that set designers can make a studio backlot look like the meandering streets ...
Richard Linklater took coming of age films to the next level with his movie Boyhood, which was filmed from 2002-2013. Other good films featured here include It, Empire of the Sun, and This Boy's Life. It's up to you to decide which coming of age movie deserves the top spot on ...
Set in the stunning landscapes of 1980s Northern Italy, Call Me By Your Name tells the story of Elio Perlman (Timothée Chalamet), a 17-year-old Jewish-Italian teen exploring his identity and first love. His summer takes a life-changing turn when he meets Oliver (Armie Hammer), an Ameri...