The first half covers friends on a college campus, while the second tells the story of a widower's young daughter who tries to reunite her dad with his old friend. Filmed in India, Mauritius, and Scotland, this was Johar's directorial debut. One of his goals for the film was to set...
Amitabh Bachchan, Revathi, Karan Sharma, Bhoomika Chawla, Annabelle Wallis, Malcolm Stoddard and Claire Oberman star in the film. The story of the film follows the French serial titled C'est La Vie featuring Karan Sharma as the main male protagonist and was broadcast on Mauritius Broadcasting ...
It was filmed in summer 2015 and released in 2016 when I launched the blog. This was the beginning of an exciting journey 🙂 Never forget where you’ve come from and how far you can go. And believe me, you can go much further than you ever thought was possible, maybe ever dreamed ...
it was filmed in late 70's in St Pete Beach, Florida, mainly at the Don CeSar. Carol Burnett, Lauren Bacall The Incredible Melting ManThis was pretty confusing for me as a child when I saw this; I was about 10. Anyway, this astronaut and crew go flying too close to the sun. The...
The first half covers friends on a college campus, while the second tells the story of a widower's young daughter who tries to reunite her dad with his old friend. Filmed in India, Mauritius, and Scotland, this was Johar's directorial debut. One of his goals for the film was to set...
The first half covers friends on a college campus, while the second tells the story of a widower's young daughter who tries to reunite her dad with his old friend. Filmed in India, Mauritius, and Scotland, this was Johar's directorial debut. One of his goals for the film was to set...
The first half covers friends on a college campus, while the second tells the story of a widower's young daughter who tries to reunite her dad with his old friend. Filmed in India, Mauritius, and Scotland, this was Johar's directorial debut. One of his goals for the film was to set...