Currently, they live in a region known as Africatown (found near Mobile, Alabama), and this film shows their fight to keep their communal story from being forgotten. Hidden after the Clotilda was burned and sunk to destroy evidence of this all even happening, the stories out of Africatown...
Currently, they live in a region known as Africatown (found near Mobile, Alabama), and this film shows their fight to keep their communal story from being forgotten. Hidden after the Clotilda was burned and sunk to destroy evidence of this all even happening, the stories out of Africatown...
From his humble beginnings in Springberry, Alabama, to his tumultuous career marked by addiction, multiple marriages, and countless hit records, the story spans five decades of Dewey's roller-coaster life. Jenna Fischer co-stars as Darlene Madison, Dewey's duet partner and true love. This ...
In late 1967, a young orphaned boy goes to live with his loving grandma in the rural Alabama town of Demopolis. As the boy and his grandmother encounter some deceptively glamorous but thoroughly diabolical witches, she wisely whisks him away to a seaside resort. Regrettably, they arrive at pre...
Still, even if you don’t like The Blair Witch Project, I can’t imagine thinking Donahue gives a bad performance, much less the worst of the entire year.(Her competition in 1999 included Melanie Griffith for Crazy in Alabama, Milla Jovovich for The Messenger, Sharon Stone for Gloria, and...
they live in a region known as Africatown (found near Mobile, Alabama), and this film shows their fight to keep their communal story from being forgotten. Hidden after the Clotilda was burned and sunk to destroy evidence of this all even happening, the stories out of Africatown are as im...
Currently, they live in a region known as Africatown (found near Mobile, Alabama), and this film shows their fight to keep their communal story from being forgotten. Hidden after the Clotilda was burned and sunk to destroy evidence of this all even happening, the stories out of Africatown...
Currently, they live in a region known as Africatown (found near Mobile, Alabama), and this film shows their fight to keep their communal story from being forgotten. Hidden after the Clotilda was burned and sunk to destroy evidence of this all even happening, the stories out of Africatown...