Films set in Texas deliver intriguing tales that captivate viewers worldwide. From action-packed thrillers to coming-of-age comedies, these movies filmed in Texas have woven famous elements of Texan culture - like cowboy hats and drawls - into each frame. This seamless integration not only incre...
In the film world today, Texas is no longer just another pretty state. Countless movies have been made about Texas, but now more and more are being made in it as well. Since the creation of the Texas Film Commission 23 years ago, some four hundred films have been produced here—not the...
With the Oscar nominations now out, is filming in Texas a good luck charm? Maybe simply making a movie set in Texas can be beneficial even if it isn't actually filmed there? Would you be more likely to watch a movie made in, or set inKilleen-Temple, Texas?
A tender coming-of-age story, North Sea Texas tells the tale of a young boy named Pim who falls in love with his best friend, Gino. Set in a Belgian coastal town, the film portrays the emotional turmoil and questions of identity that arise during adolescence while dealing with the often...
North West Mounted Police(1940) was DeMille’s first colour film.Gary Cooperplayed aTexas Rangerwho travels to Canada to hunt a fugitive, and it was Paramount’s biggest hit of 1940.Reap the Wild Wind(1942) was another smash;John WayneandRaymond Masseystarred as competing salvagers in theFlor...
What movie filmed in Waxahachie, Texas starred Sharon Stone and Ernest Borgnine and was directed by horror legend Wes Craven? The answer - 1981's strangely not-very-so-scary "Deadly Blessing." The film, in which Texas doubles for Pennsylvania Amish Country, is just weird. Stone, along Mare...
on Michael Bay’s “Pain & Gain,” to camera assist on films like “La La Land.” She headed up the camera department on hit television shows like “GLOW” and “The Dropout.” She is currently working on a new Amazon Prime series, “Ballard,” that is scheduled for release in 2025...
2. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) The movie: Some movie titles are vague, letting you gradually work out their meaning as the narrative slowly unfurls in front of your eyes like a delicate flower in tea. Then there’s Tobe Hooper’s grim, sweaty horror movie. There is nothing delic...
Released in 1974, the car chase movie also stars a yellow and black striped 1966 Chevy Impala and a 1969 Dodge Charger R/T 440. Alamy Stock Photo Filmed on location in the back roads of Stockton, California, with plenty of space to race muscle cars, NASCAR hopeful Larry Rayder (Fonda)...
We started the year with the pandemic still going on in the world, that aspect hasn't changed. One thing that has changed is the world seeing the addition of a few movies filmed right here in Central New York. These 3 are must-see movies for one major reason, they are unforgettable....