The latest in the series is coming this summer; follows two paranormal investigators who are trying to save the soul of a young boy. The film looks at the first time in US history when a murder suspect claims to be possessed by a demon. Premiere Date: June 4 (Theatres and HBO Max) S...
A refreshing and heartfelt take on the coming-of-age genre, The Kings of Summer tells the story of three teenage friends who run away from home to build their own house in the wilderness. With standout performances by Nick Robinson, Gabriel Basso, and Moises Arias, this comedy-drama perfec...
Marc Webb directs – he previously helmed (500) Days of Summer and the Amazing Spider-Man movies – while Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, the duo behind the music in La La Land, The Greatest Showman, and Dear Evan Hansen, are writing a set of brand new songs for the movie. Barbie and ...
While most Christopher Nolan films are filled with action, the summer sensationOppenheimeris a character study focusing on Manhattan Project physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) as he works to develop the world's first nuclear weapons. But Nolan structures the first-person (and partially...
Summer may be over, but there are still great films coming to theaters soon. These are the 1o most anticipated movies of fall 2023. B. Marnell September 9, 2023 3 Netflix movies like Gran Turismo you should watch right now From a racing biopic to an Adam Sandler basketball film (what?
Heart of a Lion (March 31, 2023) Biopic of boxer George Foreman. Spinning Gold (March 31, 2023) Music biopic of Casablanca Records svengali Neil Bogart, starring Wiz Khalifa as George Clinton, Ledisi as Gladys Knight, Tayla Parx as Donna Summer and Jason Derulo as Ron Isley. ...
However, this Thai coming-of-age drama is done so well that it feels entirely unique. Taking inspiration from the childhood of twin writer-directors, You & Me & Me brings us to a summer vacation in Isan, north Thailand, where the twins, distinguishable only by a mole and by dual-sided...
In a fictional African country, a war breaks out, which separates the young Agu (Abraham Attah) from his family. Now, he must navigate the war-torn country, evading hostile militia forces and coming face-to-face with senseless violence. This one's not just one of the best movies on Net...
If you're looking for the best war movies on Netflix, we're here to help you stop the scrolling, move past the algorithm and find what you're looking for.
image caption Best New Horror Movies Coming Out Soon Parade These New Horror Movies Will Make You Jump Out of Your Seat—Plus, a Full Release Schedule We rounded up the best new horror movies this year, complete with a release schedule for 2024. Parade Updated: Oct 4, 2024 People love sc...