Set in the picturesque Italian countryside during the early 1980s, this tender and evocative coming-of-age romantic drama explores the passionate yet fleeting love affair between a precocious teenager (Timothée Chalamet) and a visiting American scholar (Armie Hammer). The film's sen...
The Last Song stands out as one of the top teen romance films due to its ability to blend romance, family dynamics, and personal growth seamlessly. Unlike many films in the genre that focus solely on the romantic aspect, this movie delves deeper into the protagonist's journey towards maturity...
And if you see something incorrect, missing, or in need of an update, let us know in the comments! What Are the Next Video Game Movies and TV Shows Coming Out? 2025 and Beyond Release Dates For those keeping track, here's the full lineup of upcoming video game movie and TV show ...
Arthur Dong Collection (Sewing Woman / Forbidden City, USA / Hollywood Chinese / The Killing Fields of Dr. Haing S. Ngor / Coming Out Under Fire / Out Rage ’69 / Licensed to Kill / Family Fundamentals) Dec 31, 2024 Rumpelstiltskin 4K (Deluxe Edition) Dec 31, 2024 Rumpelstiltskin 4K (...
Release date: March 21, 2025 West Side Story's Rachel Zegler is set to star as Snow White in this live-action remake, while Gal Gadot is the Evil Queen. Andrew Burnap has been cast as the male lead – and that's not the prince or huntsman, either, but a new original character. ...
Finding great fantasy movies on Netflix is a bit of a fantasy in and of itself. The king of the streamers neglects this category, and it also relies heavily on Universal Pictures' catalog to bail out its shortcomings. That's why it's The Scorpion King and Van Helsing's turn to be on...
COMING HOME IN THE DARK Coming so Coming Soom Concervative Conchita Mbuyambo CONDITION OF RETURN CONIC Connor Benn Connor Holden Connor O'Hara Connor Powles Conor Boru Conor Timmis CONTACT CONVERGENCE Coolio Cooper Huckabee COP VS KILLER Cora Cadman Coralie Fargeat Corb...
March 3, 2022CravenWild Classic Movies 2021 Classic Movie: Rembrandt (1936) August 30, 2021CravenWild podcast Podcast: The Running Man vs Most Dangerous Game on Pop Art Podcast with Howard Casner October 7, 2020CravenWild australian films ...
Dakota Johnsonstars in this dramedy film co-directed by real life married coupleTig NotaroandStephanie Allynne, loosely inspired by Allynne's life. Johnson plays Lucy, a woman navigating coming out in her 30s with the help of her best friend, Jane (Sonoya Mizuno). -Allison Picurro[Trailer] ...
After the success of the first Enola Holmes, Netflix quickly gave a greenlight to a sequel which will be coming out in 2022 having filmed in late 2021 and wrapped in January 2022. Here’s what you can expect from the sequel: “Now a detective-for-hire like her infamous brother, Enola ...