A movie about friendship, with witty dialogue, and vulgar comedy that will be loved by young adults. Superbad captures the hilarious, often awkward moments of high school life, as the main characters try to secure their popularity by going to a party. The film's unfiltered humor and genuine...
Genre: Comedy adventureRotten Tomatoes score: 80%Stars: John Mulaney, Andy Samberg, KiKi Layne, Will Arnett, Eric Bana, Flula BorgDirector: Akiva SchafferWatch now 'Summer of Soul' (2021) (Image credit: Hulu) Part concert film, part overdue history lesson, "Summer of Soul" is important and...
“World’s Greatest Dad” sits next to “Four Lions” in the pantheon of recent films that turned the most unfunny subjects on the planet into indisputable comedy gold. Not every film could find a way to tell a touching and genuinely funny story about suicide, but not every film has the...
while still delivering genuine scares. Neve Campbell stars as Sidney Prescott, a high school student targeted by the infamous Ghostface killer. With its self-aware humor and unique blend of horror-comedy elements, Scream remains an influential film that has forever changed how we view scary movies...
Paramount+ includes a vast range of CBS, BET, Comedy Central, MTV and other ViacomCBS contents including some original series/movies. YouTube Premium YouTube Premium provides ad-free access to YouTube videos plus gets you YouTube Originals too. ...
Genre:Horror, Comedy, Sci-Fi Rating:R Metacritic score:63 Chilling Adventures of Sabrina'sKiernan Shipkasticks with humorous horror in this original film from the reliableNahnatchka Khan, the creator ofDon't Trust the B--- in Apt. 23,Always Be My Maybe, andFresh Off the Boat. Shipka's...
Wolfhard and Billy Bryk co-wrote and directed the horror comedy. By Lexi Carson Latest Movies ‘Fall Guy’ Director David Leitch in Talks for ‘Ocean’s 14’ The film would be a sequel to George Clooney and Brad Pitt's ‘Ocean’s 13,’ which arrived in 2007. Movie News 2 hours...
(1972) his final Top Ten entry. But, thanks to concerts, spectaculars best described by criticJon Landauas anapotheosisof Americanmusical comedy, he remained a big money earner. He now lacked the ambition and power of his early work, but that may have been a good thing: he never seemed ...
Golden Globe Award (2004): Best Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy Golden Globe Award (1978): Best Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy (Show more) Notable Works: “Hanging Up” Movies/Tv Shows (Acted In): ...
Best comedy movies on Prime Video Bottoms (Image credit: MGM Studios / Amazon) Age rating: RRuntime: 91 minutesMain cast: Rachel Sennott, Ayo Edebiri, Ruby Cruz, Havana Rose Liu, Kaia Gerber, and Nicholas GalitzineDirector: Emma SeligmanRT score: 90% Recommended by Tom PowerSenior Reporter...