"Invincible" tells the true story of Zishe Breibart, a Jewish blacksmith from eastern Poland who travels to Berlin in the 1930s to join a night club cabaret. He is billed as the world's strongest man -- a claim that is not well received by the rising Nazi party. Using his role as...
Set against the backdrop of 1931 Berlin, Cabaret is a musical drama that intertwines love and politics. It showcases the life of Sally Bowles (Liza Minnelli), an American cabaret singer in the city's decadent Kit Kat Klub, and Brian Roberts (Michael York), a British academic. Master of...
It just feels so real. It’s also a rare sex scene that chimes in perfect harmony with the film around it. Their sex feels like both an expression of grief and a welcome respite from it. Most of all, the actors just look like they know what they’re doing. No wonder they’ve been...
It has the depth and sweep of a novel, while remaining wonderfully cinematic (think of the duel in Berlin, the snappy montage of animal heads on Blimp’s wall, the desolate battle scenes…).At the time of its release at the height of war, it was also very bold in trying to counter ...
Nosferatu had its world premiere in Berlin, Germany, on December 2, 2024, and is scheduled to be released on December 25, 2024, by Focus Features domestically and Universal Pictures internationally. The film received critical acclaim, with praise for its direction, cinematography, production design...
Synopsis: Berlin. Forty years from today. A roiling city of immigrants, where East crashes against West in a science-fiction Casablanca. Leo Beiler (Alexander Skarsgard), a mute bartender, has one reason and one reason only for living here, and she's disappeared. But when Leo's search ta...
One of those movies with an inner darkness that truly does sneak up on you, ‘Cabaret’ begins in 1931 Berlin and charts the Nazis’ rise so gradually that, like everyone in the Kit Kat Klub each night, you won’t realize they’ve fully arrived until it’s much too late. In that ...
Most scenes were shot at the Karl-Marx-Allee in Berlin and around Plattenbauten near Alexanderplatz. Released: 2003 Directed by: Wolfgang Becker Also ranks #1 on The Best Movies About The Berlin Wall Also ranks #19 on The Best Good Movies Also ranks #23 on The 50+ Best Movies With Good...
British spy Harry Palmer (Michael Caine) must help a Soviet defector (Oscar Homolka), disguised as a corpse, cross the Berlin Wall. Released: 1967 Directed by: Guy Hamilton Also ranks #6 on The Best Movies About The Berlin Wall Also ranks #14 on The Best Spy Movies Of The 1960s Also...
BlackishThe cast of the television showBlackish, including (from left) Yara Shahidi, Marcus Scribner, Jenifer Lewis, Berlin Gross (in front), Laurence Fishburne (in back), Marsai Martin, Tracee Ellis Ross, Anthony Anderson, and Miles Brown. ...