It seems impossible not to be moved (and terrified) by the epic plane crash that happens in this film based on a true story. The beginning of this movie doesn't shy away from a difficult situation, and honestly, it can be hard to watch for anyone who flies a lot. But the film, ul...
a plane about to land as the airport has a suicide bomber threatening to blow up the aircraft. While slightly melodramatic, the movie is credited with creating the modern disaster genre. The film is based on the 1968 book of the same name and even went...
Also ranks #1 on 14 Movie Villains We Never Actually See Also ranks #1 on The Best Horror Movies About Airplanes Also ranks #3 on Horror Movies That Are Terrifying Despite Never Showing The Monster 4 Final Destination 2 Ali Larter, A.J. Cook, Michael Landes 7 votes Expanding upon the supe...
Also ranks #1 on The Best Movies With Magical Realism 3,902 votes Is this great? Photo: Stand by Me 3 Stand by Me Based on King's novella The Body, this coming-of-age story follows four young friends who embark on a journey to find the body of a missing boy in their...
Directed by Kathryn Bigelow, who would go on to win a Best Director Oscar for The Hurt Locker, the film follows Utah as he poses as a surfer and is initiated into the group—and eventually forced into taking down a bank along with them. From parachuting out of airplanes to surfing...
A Thai TV serie or Lakorn (ละคร) based on this story was also done in 2003. Despite a classic scenario, the highest value of this movie is to include the finest bunch of Thai actors from beginning of 1980s decade. สี่คิงส์Year: 1982Thai title: ส...
Tarantino has a theory about people on planes.Speaking with Stephen Colbert in 2015, the filmmaker described romantic comedies as a guilty pleasure of his, “especially on airplanes.” “There’s something about watching a rom-com on an airplane flight… I think there’s something to the fact...
It is based on a novel (Romance of the Sakai) by Thai King Rama 5. The Culture Ministry registers 25 Thai classic films each year at the National Film Heritage Registry. This movie is part of the 25 films heritage list announced on 04 October 2015, which is Thai Movies Conservation Day...
How many hours per day would you say that you think about what people watch on airplanes — in-flight entertainment? Airplanes — not that often, maybe twice a week. No one subscribes to in-flight entertainment, obviously. They’re trapped in a tin can with it and can choose whether to...
Robots 3D Director Mike Slee. BMZ chats with director Mike Slee on his latest film, ROBOTS 3D. BMZ Interview: Living in the Age of Airplanes Director/Producer Brian J. Terwilliger. BMZ talks with Director/Producer Brian J. Terwilliger on his latest film, LIVING IN THE AGE OF AIRPLANES. Ima...