Based on actual events from whistleblowing case in 2003, Gavin Hood’s gripping drama Official Secrets stars Keira Knightley as British intelligence specialist Katharine Gun who leaks an NSA memo exposing illegal US-UK spying operations during the build-up to the Iraq War. With a compelling...
Based on actual events, this moving film follows a large Afro-American family on the verge of dealing with its own foreboding past or becoming the victim of a crippling destiny: to remain forever imprisoned and without prospects in run-down Mississippi. Kari, a bright young girl, seems to ...
From Creation to The Theory of Everything, here are the best movies based on real-life scientists. 20th Century Studios We are undeniably living in an era where stories for cinema are often based on — whether directly adapted or subtly inspired by — real-life monumental events that have sh...
Story:When a young, ambitious market researcher finds out her boss is involved in the leaking of a scandalous Prime Minister speech, she decides to investigate the case to gain a position among the big-shots. Based on actual events.
” Based on actual events, Rush follows the bitter rivalry between hunky, charming Formula One racer James Hunt (Chris Hemsworth) and the aloof, unsmiling Niki Lauda (Daniel Brühl), and Howard makes it clear pretty early on that he has no desire to present us with a rooting interest. At...
Cate Shortland’s movie is set after the events of Captain America: Civil War, and sees Natasha Romanoff on the run and forced to confront an old adversary that is linked to her past : my biggest take from the movie along with it’s darkly written storyline is the films delicious humor...
It echoes what I wrote about back in August, about the movieStand By Meand the novella it’s based on. Stephen King’s work is full of Bradbury’s influence – note the blurb on the book cover further up – though perhaps a little less whimsical; the depression era Green Town Illinois...
‘Vikrithi,’ which is, interestingly enough, based on an actualincident. The story is that of Sameer, a man with a need to overshare on social media about anything and everything, one day taking a picture of a drunkard passed out on the Kochi metro and posting it as a meme that ...
Based on Annie Proulx’s story about the love affair between two cowboys, Ang Lee’s beautiful, swooning film starred Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger as range hands who fall in love. The sex scene It gets mighty cold up there in the hills of Wyoming. After a night drinking whiskey, the...
The Tag-Along is a Taiwanese horror film based on actual events. Ho Chih-wei is a property agent whos lives with his grandmother. After his grandmother suddenly disappears, he finds her camera containing footage of his grandma and her friends hiking in the mountains. In the background, Chih...