When a girl (Jo Ellen Pellman) is banned from attending high school prom with her girlfriend, she is joined by a group of self-obsessed theater stars (Meryl Streep, James Corden, Nicole Kidman, and Andrew Rannells) who show up to support her. Released: 2020 Directed by: Ryan M...
In the heart-thumping movie Footloose, city teen Ren McCormack, portrayed by Kevin Bacon, finds himself in a tight spot in a small Midwestern town where dancing and rock music have been banned. Reverend Shaw Moore (John Lithgow), the town's spiritual guide and law enforcer, stands as his...
It may not play quite as well at home as it did in theaters, but it still rocks. Dune watch on max The Florida Project Year: 2017Runtime: 1h 52mDirector: Sean Baker One of the best films of the 2010s is this heartbreaking character study from Sean Baker, director of this year...
Due to their target audience,children’s moviesare rarely controversial, but some of them were banned in some countries for a variety of reasons. The purpose of children’s movies is not just to entertain a young audience, but many of them are also made to educate younger viewers about cert...
West Side Story Banned Because of Trans Character By Keith LangstonDecember 9, 2021 One of the most anticipated films of the holiday season is West Side Story. The Disney-backed, Spielberg-directed powerhouse is already… Jamie Clayton to Play Pinhead in ‘Hellraiser’ Reboot By Keith LangstonOct...
Many controversial films have been banned from movie theaters, even classics like A Clockwork Orange and Scarface. It was controversial, like the filmSalò, or the 120 Days of Sodom, which follows similar themes of violence and obscenity.Ebert said the film was sickening, utterly worthless, and...
These 80s movies went so hard in terms of gore, story, and visuals that ended up being completely banned from public access.
The Chinese were not amused, and the film was banned from theaters due to scenes of animals being killed. Nice to know that Chinese officials are so tender-hearted.The Departed (2006) – The Chinese already had it in for Martin Scorsese thanks to Kundun, but his cop thriller received a ...
1/5/2025 Cracked The 2009 Sci-Fi Box Office Hit That Was Banned In North Korea 1/2/2025 by Joe Roberts Slash Film Independence Day So, What Would the World Really Be Like With Will Smith as Neo? 1/8/2025 by Hashim Asraff
Also ranks #10 on 16 Underrated Movies Based On Banned Books 41 Behind the Candelabra 2013 48 votes Michael Douglas and Matt Damon deliver mesmerizing performances in this critically acclaimed biographical drama, which explores the turbulent relationship between pianist Liberace and his yo...