Legends of the Fall Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Aidan Quinn 107 votes At the center of this epic drama spanning multiple generations are the complex relationships between the three Ludlow brothers and their father, former soldier Colonel William Ludlow. The emotionally charged struggles between family...
This compelling sports biopic chronicles the fierce rivalry between tennis legends Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe during the 1980 Wimbledon Championships. The film captures the intensity, passion, and raw talent of these two athletes at the height of their game, offering a vivid and in...
H+ The Digital Series Osiris Project: S.E.R.A. MOVIES Bad Day At The Office Close. Closer Cocoa Love COLD EXPO LDTV SPOTLIGHT JACK'S TOUCHINGTOUCHDOWN See MoreWatch Now Big-time Nebraska Cornhuskers fan Jack Hoffman is battling brain cancer. As a kid, little Jack fulfilled a dream as...
To be fair, Robin Hardy did his best to make ‘The Wicker Man’ a commercial prospect, roping in Hammer legends Christopher Lee and Ingrid Pitt, TV icon Edward Woodward and tabloid eye candy Britt Ekland to help pull in the punters. That the resulting film was still compulsively weird, ...
Directed by Regina King and based on Kemp Powers' play of the same name, this flick is based on a real-life meeting that occurred at Miami's Hampton House Hotel in February 1964 between four legends—Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown, and Sam Cooke—following Ali's surprise title win ...
movie legends. “Vogue,” Madonna’s No.1 hit and video, was the sanitized interpretation of a gritty ghetto aesthetic that has been captured in “Paris Is Burning,” Jennie Livingston’s documentary that opens in Los Angeles Friday after a record-breaking run at the Film Forum in New York...
He’s joined by Idris Elba, Zazie Beetz, Regina King, Delroy Lindo, Lakeith Stanfield, Danielle Deadwyler, and many more in a film that feels like it will become bigger as its incredible cast become acting legends. The Harder They Fall watch on netflix *Inception Year: 2010Runtime: ...
(1962), hoping to meet baseballlegendsMickey MantleandRoger Maris, but was not cast. Russell later starred in the TV seriesThe Travels of Jaimie McPheeters(1963–64) and had roles on such shows asThe Man from U.N.C.L.E.andGilligan’s Island. In addition, in 1963 he appeared in his...
"Tall Tales & Legends" (1985) "Perfect" (1985) "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension" (1984) "Grandview, U.S.A." (1984) "Trading Places" (1983) "Love Letters" (1983) "Halloween II" (1981) "Roadgames" (1981) ...
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