Also ranks #39 on The 70+ Best Crime Romance Movies, Ranked 16 Mulholland Drive Justin Theroux, Naomi Watts, Laura Harring 369 votes David Lynch's surreal masterpiece follows aspiring actress Betty, played by Naomi Watts, as she arrives in Los Angeles and becomes involved with Rita, portrayed...
As the film explores themes of homosexuality, rebellion, and betrayal in the face of oppressive societal norms, it offers a powerful look at the forces that drive individuals to challenge the status quo. With its engaging narrative and standout performances, this movie remains a timeless ...
One night a mysterious man in a suit named Vincent (Tom Cruise in the scariest role of his career) gets into his cab and offers Max a wad of cash to drive him to multiple stops throughout the night. Max reluctantly agrees, only to soon learn that Vincent is a stone-cold assassin who...
Though not as action-packed as today's blockbusters, this nerve-rattling adaptation of Peter Benchley's beach read was scary enough to drive audiences wild and turn the tide of shark sentiment against the sea beast for decades. Yet nothing in the fear-mongering Shark Week can compete with ...
39. When You Touch Me 20163m Short 40. Midnight at the Continental 201510m Short Toronto, 1955. In the heart of Chinatown, a new bar opens: The Continental. It's dark, grimy, and attracts an unusual clientele. Local tabloids scream in 20-point font: 'Sapphos overflow Chinatown!' The ...
The Wild Robot– Another animated kids movie, this one is at least an original release and it seems to be getting good reviews. It looks like I’ve missed out on the theatrical run, and it’s still in the overpriced premium streaming window right now, but I expect it to come down to...
In a meticulous fashion typical of her spellbinding approach, “First Cow” consolidates the potent themes of everything leading up to it: It returns her to the nascent America of the 19th century frontier at the center of “Meek’s Cutoff,” touches on the environmental frustrations of “...
The thrill of winning and the addiction to speed drive racers, but it’s a dangerous calling. And why don’t they make it safer? As James Hunt says, “The risk of death turns people on.” 'Rush' looks inward too. At one point, Hunt warns, “Don’t go to men who are willing to...
The InternshipWe all have that dream where we get to work with a company like Google. Well here is a movie about two adults who did, yeah you heard me right, two adult interns.20136.3/10 TranscendenceA scientist's drive for artificial intelligence, takes on dangerous implications when his ...
Hollywood, district within the city ofLos Angeles,California, U.S., whose name issynonymouswith the Americanfilmindustry. Lying northwest of downtown Los Angeles, it is bounded by Hyperion Avenue and Riverside Drive (east), Beverly Boulevard (south), the foothills of theSanta Monica Mountains(...