Sweet Bird of Youth is a 1959 play by Tennessee Williams which tells the story of a gigolo and drifter, Chance Wayne, who returns to his home town as the companion of a faded movie star, Alexandra Del Lago (travelling incognito as Princess Kosmonopolis), whom he hopes to use to he...
A simple time loop can be more interesting than a straight-up time-travelling odyssey. In fact, this movie is more of a fantasy comedy that poses the question of what would a regular person do if trapped inside a time loop they cannot explain nor fix. It's an endearing movie that, ...
Time travel as a genre is always fascinating in any medium, whether a book, movie, TV show or comic. The possibility of meeting anyone in existence, going to places long forgotten, and uncovering secrets of well-loved icons of the past and maybe even the future gives a special allure to ...
While she relives the past through romantic memories with her former boyfriend, her time travelling interferes with a burgeoning new love interest in the present. Actors: David Corenswet, Lucy Boynton, Retta, Justin H. Min, Jackson Kelly Directed by: Ned Benson Also ranks #7 on Movies That ...
Shane Carruth's 'Primer' is an uncompromising time travel movie. Be prepared. Credit: Thinkfilm / Kobal / Shutterstock What's it about? After two friends accidentally discover a way of travelling back through time, they attempt to use their invention to make money on the stock market. But...
Michael Rennie vehicle about time travellers struggling for a future free of thought control– and their time travelling enemies out to keep history the way they prefer it. D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - top Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 A....
Time lapse This movie is a surprisingly good time travelling film. It feels on the lower end of the budget, but not aprimerstyle budget. Its a good story told but certainly doesn’t have the depth of primer. Its quite constrained and I guess compared to Predestination, its slightly less ...
Movies about the future often show people travelling around in flying cars.Last Tuesday,that vision came a step closer to reality for a Japanese company called SkyDrive,as it showed off its new flying car,the SD-03,in action.The small car flew around for four minutes,staying about 1-2 me...
Surf's up! This is the spot to quench your thirst for incredible surfing movies. Catch our playlist for the biggest and best to stream at your leisure.
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