The first plot involves Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt), who leads a group of Jewish-American soldiers known as the Basterds, on a mission to kill Nazis in gruesome ways. Parallel to this, Shosanna Dreyfus (Mélanie Laurent), a French-Jewish cinema proprietor, prepares her own schem...
Reasons to Watch if You're Interested in The Holocaust: This classic adaptation brings to life the true story of Anne Frank, a Jewish teenager who chronicled her family's experience hiding from the Nazis in a secret annex during World War II. As it delves into themes such as hope...
Tarantino’s next three films took an irreverent approach to history.Inglourious Basterds(2009), set duringWorld War II, follows a group of Jewish American soldiers trained to kill Nazis in German-occupied France.Django Unchained(2012), set in theantebellumAmerican South, tells the lively tale of...
The film interweaves documentary-style interviews with dramatic reenactments to portray the struggles and resilience of these individuals as they evade capture by the Nazis, hiding in plain sight within the city. “The Invisibles” sheds light on the courage and resourcefulness of those who managed...
PuriinThe Hundred-Foot Journey(2014), in which the two played the owners of competing restaurants. InWoman in Gold(2015) Mirren portrayed Maria Altmann, a Jewish refugee who successfully sued the Austriangovernmentto recover paintings byGustav Klimtstolen from her family by theNazisduringWorld War...
chased away by the Nazis, coalesced in Hollywood and shrouded Pratt. He took on the stage name Boris Karloff and created some of cinema's most uncanny, undead characters. Mummy (1932), and the Lurch-like butler in 1932's The Old Dark House (the model for the Addams Family) were famous...
Story:A gang of young thieves flee Paris during the violent aftermath of a political election, only to hole up at an Inn run by neo-Nazis. Style:scary, suspenseful, rough, bleak, disturbing ... Plot:cannibalism, psychopath, sadistic horror, torture, survival, macabre, human monster, gory,...
Harrison Ford debuts the indelible Indiana Jones character in the first of five movies in the series. Directed by Steven Spielberg, archaeologist Jones finds himself in hairy situations in his search for the famed Ark of the Covenant, which has been stolen by the Nazis in hopes that it will ...
The movie stars Craig and Liev Schreiber as Jewish brothers living in Byelorussia during the time of the Nazis. They end up rescuing many Jews from the area and staking and decamping from the cities and ghettos to the forest, where they could live relatively freely. They struggle with the ...
Eager to parody the WWII spy flick but keenly aware that, despite what Mel Brooks might think, the Nazis really weren’t all that funny, the Flying High! team of Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker hit upon the notion of a dimwit American rock star sent into East Berlin to infiltrate the Russ...