In Camp Nowhere, a group of kids take matters into their own hands by secretly running their own summer camp while duping their parents into thinking they're attending various established camps. Led by Christopher Lloyd as an eccentric out-of-work teacher, this mischievous crew manages...
Every summer there's that magic moment when everyone packs up, says goodbye to their parents and ships off to camp. Now it's time to pack in, say goodbye to ...
If the Spring and the Summer blockbuster season were the training camps for the best picture race, the fall film festivals are the draft. 3 James Erwin /// August 6, 2024 House of the Dragon Season 2 Cheats its Audience The point is not to fetishize violence–it is to give the drama...
Lessons Lessons Summer Camps Cities Calgary Edmonton Saskatoon Vancouver Toronto Travel Blog Movies & More Movie Under the Stars at The Chickenburger The Chickenburger hosts “FREE Movie Night Under the Stars” showing movies that are perfect for all ages. Check their Facebook page for updates ...
It's wild that a satire about homophobia and conversion camps is so relevant 25 years later. And by "wild," I of course mean deeply depressing. We've come so far since the '90s when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights and attitudes, but also not. At least Jamie Babbit's film about a teena...
If the Spring and the Summer blockbuster season were the training camps for the best picture race, the fall film festivals are the draft. 3 James Erwin /// August 6, 2024 House of the Dragon Season 2 Cheats its Audience The point is not to fetishize violence–it is to give the ...
Sidney Lumet’s NYC crime thriller was revolutionary in its day for its matter-of-fact representation of marriage equality and a supportive stance on trans rights. It follows the true account of an attempted bank robbery on a red-hot summer day. With uncompromising tension and flashes of humour...
inspiring. It is also the only "Holocaust" film that includes Ricardo Montalban, George W. Bush and an appearance at The Kennedy Center Honors. After Auschwitz gives us the story that we have always wanted to see and one that in many ways is as important as the stories of the camps ...
Some of these movies were made in the after-school programs, some were made in private lessons, and some in summer camps: All of these projects are the products of the young movie-makers’ creative ambition, their hard work, their desire to make a movie they can stand by, and their wil...
Set not on the front lines, but in a series of prison camps, Jean Renoir’s great humanist drama reflects an unexpected civility during wartime, as seen in the famous scene between a captured French flying ace (Pierre Fresnay) and the gentleman German officer (Erich von Stroheim) who ...