Obsessively punctual FedEx executive Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) is en route to an assignment in Malaysia when his plane crashes over the Pacific Ocean during a storm. The sole survivor of the flight, Chuck washes ashore on a deserted island. When his efforts to sail away and contact he...
Set in the early 20th-century French Alps, this visually stunning drama stars Spencer Tracy as a former mountaineer who reluctantly agrees to lead a treacherous rescue mission when a plane crashes high up on a local peak. Facing brutal conditions and personal demons, Tracy's character must ...
No matter which category you fall in, you can’t deny the importance of historical movies. They are informative, they are entertaining, and most importantly, they are warning signs, alerting us of what the world could be like if we, humans, make the same mistakes again. There’s a reason...
Dr. Douglas Martin is a scientist working on atomic bomb tests. While collecting aerial data on an Air Force atomic blast at Soledad Flats, his plane crashes. He survives the crash unhurt, walking back to the air base with no memory of what happen...more >> ...
while "The Imaginary" is a nice little film about an imaginary friend trying to get back to his human best friend and creator, it is also about an immortal evil entity that literally eats imaginary friends with a Pennywise-like mouth that expands into infinity. Oh, and the entity is also...
During World War 2, a man betrays his country (ขายชาติ) and even kills his wife Narinee as she refuses to keep silent. The father then disappears. His own daughter flees and is rescued by a young man called Boripat, who put her in a well off family. She is rena...
In this sci-fi action thriller, director John Carpenter had a bit of a cynical view of what the future would hold, as his 1997 depicts Manhattan walled off as a maximum-security prison. When Air Force One is hijacked and crashes onto the island, the government enlists former soldier...
Prepare yourself for an intense survival drama based on a real-life tragedy. "Society of the Snow" tells the harrowing story of the Uruguayan rugby team who, after their plane crashes into the Andes Mountains, must survive against all odds. The film dives deep into the psychological and physi...
A newer addition to Netflix, "Downfall: The Case Against Boeing" provides overwhelming evidence that Boeing was responsible for two plane crashes that took place within five months of one another in 2018 and 2019. The first crash was a Lion Air flight in Indonesia, and the second was an E...
Top sci-fi movies and TV shows to watch on Amazon Prime in December 'Space Force' Season 2 will land on Netflix in February Why you should watch: This is, in essence, a rotoscoped home movie about the space race from the perspective of writer and director Richard Linklater, who lest...