This uproarious parody pokes fun at the tropes and clichés of high school films, covering everything from jocks and cheerleaders to nerds and outcasts. With over-the-top humor, risqué gags, and spot-on impersonations, it's a raucous reminder of the absurdities and quirks that make...
Adapted from Stephen King's acclaimed novel, this chilling horror film transports viewers to the late 1980s and the small town of Derry, where a group of young outcasts takes on the supernatural entity that has haunted their home for centuries. The authentic period atmosphere and...
Also ranks #7 on The Best Movies About Generation Z (So Far) 2 The Half of It Leah Lewis, Daniel Diemer, Alexxis Lemire 169 votes This Netflix original takes a unique spin on the conventional rom-com by entwining themes of love, identity, and friendship within a compelling narrative. Th...
which tells the tale of talented gunslinger Ellen "The Lady" as she sets out to the Old West town known as Redemption in search of the man responsible for her father's death; on her resilient quest she meets a colorful group of outcasts and outlaws...
Rochelle was the social outcast with the other handful of social outcasts of St. Bernard Academy, sure. But how do we cinematize the Black girl outcast teenager that many of us felt like? That just so happens to be a practicing witch? “Much of what can be read of Rochelle relies ...
Cult classics frequently touch on taboo subjects, like drugs and alcohol, violence, sexuality, and profanity, deeming them “controversial” in the eyes of critics and viewers alike. However, what makes a cult classic so impactful is its ability to help marginalized groups or “outcasts” feel ...
a romance between two farmers in the hills of Yorkshire, a group of outcasts amid the Barcelonian underground scene, or falling in love for the first time in the center of a quiet Italian village; gay movies prove how queer people exist in all walks of life in every corner of the world...
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the young man is full of ideas and ideals. His passion to bring the church closer to the common people sets him on a collision course with his new superior Father Nöstler. When Mohr organizes a church choir that includes outcasts from the local tavern and performs in German instead of ...
memorable characters out of seven luckless samurai hired to defend a poor farming village from marauding bandits, showcasing his heroes as rounded but dignified outcasts -Takashi Shimura's noble leader andToshiro Mifune's crazed hothead are the standouts. All human life is here, as are debatably...