Kevin Costner stars as Crash Davis, a seasoned minor league baseball player tasked with mentoring the talented but erratic pitcher, "Nuke" LaLoosh (Tim Robbins). Money plays a significant role in the film, as the characters navigate the uncertain financial realities of life in the minor leagues...
A true story about a coach who discovers that it's never too late for dreams to come true. Jim Morris (Dennis Quaid) never made it out of the minor leagues before a shoulder injury ended his pitching career twelve years ago. Now a married-with-children high-school chemistry teacher and ...
The world of Minor League Baseball has changed a lot in the 35 years since “Bull Durham” came out. Arguments can certainly be made as to whether those changes are good, or bad. One thing that has not changed is that thanks to “Bull Durham” there is a snapshot in time of what M...
Bill Ladson, reporter:Prior to 1992, my all-time baseball movie was Pride of the Yankees because Gary Cooper did a great job playing Lou Gehrig. But then I saw "A League of their Own" -- Penny Marshall did one heck of a job directing the film. I thought Geena Davis was an...
Vancouver also is home to other professional sports teams, including the Whitecaps (football [soccer]), the BC Lions (Canadian gridiron football) and the Vancouver Canadians (minor league baseball). The Coast Mountains come down to the edge of Burrard Inlet, and skiers can reach several slopes ...
produce a crop of talented players, but movie fans will be excited to learn that it also housed the owner’s son and future action star,Kurt Russell, as well as future Academy Award-nominated director,Todd Field. Watch this documentary to see where minor league baseball’s independence was ...
This independent drama about a Dominican baseball player and his struggles to both survive and acclimate himself in the Minor Leagues is one of the more underappreciated movies of the last decade. 18. Fear Strikes Out (1957) Anthony Perkins might look like he'd never touched a baseball in his...
Known for beingcandidand outspoken, Alley was open about her efforts to lose weight afterCheersended. She appeared in a pair of shows about her experiences,Fat Actress(2005) andKirstie Alley’s Big Life(2010). She also wrote the bookHow to Lose Your Ass and Regain Your Life(2005), and ...
In Bull Durham, Davis, a career journeyman is sent to the minor league baseball team Durham Bulls to fix the pitching of rookie sensation Ebby Calvin "Nuke" LaLoosh (Tim Robbins). Sign up to get the BEST of Tom's Guide direct to your inbox. Get instant access to breaking news, the ...
He gets another chance to prove himself when he's invited to join the Minor League and try to re-build his baseball career. Benny Rodriguez: The Sandlot The Sandlot is a nostalgic coming-of-age sports movie about a group of neighborhood kids meeting every day in the summer to play baseb...