What films will you find on this list of the best movies about WW2 Japan? Clint Eastwood seems especially fascinated by the subject, and even directed two features about Iwo Jima. In Flags of Our Fathers, he follows the Marines and Navy Corpsman who famously raised the American flag on the...
Japan Japanese Horror Film Jason Wingard Jayne Wisener Jeet Thakrar Jennifer Martin Jeremy Holm Jeremy London Jesse V. Johnson Jessie Buckley Jo Morris Joe Wredden John Adams John Savage Johnny Flynn Jonathan Hansler Josh Lobo Julian Sands Justin Hayward Justin McConnell ...
It is the story of an aging father (Chishū Ryū) who must decide whether to value his own loneliness above the future of his daughter (Shima Iwashita) in post war-Japan. Regardless of how you may feel about certain traditions upheld by some in Japan, particularly in that period, it is...
J Club TV Embed Tokyo and other Japan hotspots sparkle like the Rising Sun in this More... Player TV Embed Girls, Games, and Gadgets. It's the TV network and magazine that covers More... Bikini Kitchen Embed Halla heats up the kitchen as Stormy serves us some sexy cocktails!
This Studio Ghibli film was a watershed moment for the acclaimed studio outside Japan, and for good reason. Director Hayao Miyazaki takes us through the looking glass, following a young girl, Chihiro, who’s trying to find her parents in the world of spirits. She guides us through the ma...
It is set in an alternate history earth and tells a bleak story about post-WW2 Japan. 5 Perfect Blue (1997) Rex Entertainment Perfect Blue is a psychological thriller anime film released in 1997 and directed by Satoshi Kon. It is based on a novel of the same name and distributed by ...
This movie was (again predictably) a bland whitewash of anAxis Japanthat killed maybe6 million men, women and children:"From the invasion of China in 1937 to the end of World War II, the Japanese military regime murdered near 3,000,000 to over 10,000,000 people, most probably almost 6...
Most of the storyline is about a vampire named Dallas, a young WW2 veteran who was banished by "The Count". Dallas is given a chance to visit America for the first time in years while unknowingly being pursued by Dr. Fredrick Van Helsing who hires a group of street thugs to help him...
kinda like Germany and Japan after WW2 etc etc. Plans went awry however, because the little group found some professor who had just invented the Q-bomb and the plot thickened... and Grand Fenwick ended up winning the " war ". Well, in the book " The Mouse In The Moon" ,...
Allied cryptographers were able to learn of the attack in advance, allowing the Americans to plant an ambush. Japan lost all four of its large aircraft carriers, handing the Americans an advantage that would last until the end of the conflict. This movie is only 18 minutes long, but it fe...